On our way home

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I got Sokka, Suki, Toph and Haru to pack up there things. I told them they should try going home to their families but all of them said that have been here to long to remember where they came from. And to be fair, I barely remember what my home looked like, but I knew where it was. Because the words water tribe rung in my ears for years.

I grabbed my little bag, which shouldn't have anything in it, but it had a small weight at the bottom. I opened the bag to see a small leather book.
I was on the verge of tears, I flipped to the first page.

Katara. That was my decided name for my second child...
I stroked my necklace lightly.
"It's okay mommy, I'm coming home." My voice shook. My cheeks started getting wet from the tears. I closed the book lightly and put it back in the bag.
My mind went to Zuko, I'm leaving him behind. After I leave him, he will have no one.

"Ready lil sis?" Sokka remarked. I nodded and we started walking to the door, I quickly looked back at the large room I called home for so many years. Then it was gone, behind the door I still remember Ursa opening to let me in.
My vision played backwards as I walked up the stairs. I saw Zuko first smile at me and introduce him self. He had a large toothy grin on his face and a ponytail of thick dark hair.
I remember Azula snarling at my every presents. I never understood her pure hatred for me, and it will probably continue that way.

My thoughts shifted to the beautiful Fire Lady Ursa. She was always so kind, and motherly. She always helped my with the chores and she always tried the best she could to make me happy.

I snapped out of my gaze when I heard an alarm blare through the palace. Sokka tried screaming over the loud crashed of a gong. "What's going on?!" We all covered our ears and started running to the top of the stairs.
When we came through to the top, guards were running to the front of the building. "We're under attack!" One man screamed.

My eyes widened and I grabbed Sokka's hand. "Where are you going?! We should go hide in the kitchen instead!" I raised an eyebrow and screamed for everyone to follow me.
We all ran down the hall where guards were still spilling. I was getting hit in the shoulder and my feet were stepped on but I kept moving until I got to the small room where Suki had been imprisoned.
"What are we doing here!?" Suki screamed over the loud clamping of metal boots. I closed the door and now you could only hear muffled footsteps.

"We are hiding." I answered softly. My red gown flowed around my legs as I walked to the side of the small room. We all stayed quiet.
"Do you hear that?" Toph said.
But I couldn't hear anything. "No." Haru said dumbly. She punched his arm.

Toph scowled at him. "Exactly, I hear nothing." But then the door sprung open and we all jumped back.

In the frame of the door stood a womanly figure with heavy looking armor lined with pure gold.
Azula held up her hand and lit a blue flame. "I thought I told you to leave." She said sharply. I don't know what's wrong with her, but she's acting stranger. Almost like she isn't paying attention to anything but she is. He eyes were all bugged and they had dark circles under them.

"I-I was about to, but those alarms-" Azula picked me up by my collar. Sokka jumbled up and hit her off of me. Azula stumbled back shocked.

"What do you think your doing water tribe peasant!" She was about to claw out at Sokka but I stopped her.

"Please! Let him go, he didn't mean it!" I pleaded with the princess. It almost made me sick.
She growled and grabbed me by my shirt and yanked me out. I stumbled over and mouthed for them to go. Sokka looked worried but I reassured him with a nod.

"You little peasant." Azula murmured under her breath.

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