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I stood in the corner of the training room while Zuko practiced firebending. I held a towel that dangled a couple inches over the floor.
His muscular chest flexed whenever he moved to the next form. Sweat dripped from his hair and his breathing was harsh as he flung the red and orange flames everywhere.

The flames that danced from his hands were beautiful but dangerously sharp and strong. Very much like Zuko himself.
He finally relaxed his arms from his position and started walking over to me. He towered over me and his hair was now growing over his eyes. He wore his red training pants and his chest stayed bare.
"Well I think that was a good warm up." He grabbed the towel from my hands and wiped over his hair.
"Warm up?! That was almost an hour!" I groaned. He laughed.
"I'm just kidding, I'm done for now." He said and started making his way out of the room. I followed behind him.

"For now? So what your saying is that you will do more later today?" I leaned forward to look at his face.
"Yeah, I can't be a disappointment and be the only Fire Lord who wasn't advanced in firebending ." He rolled his head and stretched his shoulders.

"Please, your far from a disappointment." I paused. "Your a great firebender." I grabbed the towel from him and slung it on my arm.

Then we turned down a hallway where three girls waited. Zuko grunted and stumbled in his tracks. "Omg Zuko shirtless?!" I could hear Ty Lee's voice from anywhere.
I stared at the girls who were walking towards Zuko and I.

"Katara, Zuko." Azula said coldly. Then continued, "Zuko you have a date with Mai this afternoon don't be late." She said and Mai walked closer to him and leaned up to kiss him. Her hands went to his chest and Azula coughed to signal that she was still there. Zuko's back straitened and he frowned. My heart burned, I wanted to be the one to touch him like that.

"Understood. I will be down in a few minutes." His hand came to my arm and started to pull me off in the opposite direction. I could already hear Mai growl.

"Ugh!" He slammed his fist into the wall and it echoed through the halls.
"No big deal Zuko, she just wants to spend a little time with you." We approached the door of his room. "Before you get married that is." It almost hurt trying to choke up the word married.

"Azula sets up my whole relationship with her just so she can have riches and fame. And of coarse the crown and title." He sighed.

"You can't change that Zuko. Remember you have a duty to your people." I said dully and I walked into his bathroom and hung the towel up.

"Stop, Katara. I don't want to marry for my people, I want to marry for me." He paused. "And you." He finished. I froze for a second then walked back to his main room.

"I know Zuko but-" I started, pulling on a chunk of my hair.
"I know but, I want to wake up and see you next to me, I want to live happily with you by my side." He grabbed my hands.
"Zuko I can't." I faced away from him.

"Why not?" He said. His voice was strong.

"You know why." I reached up to touch my mothers necklace. I still remember when she tied it to my neck.

"No I don't, I will be fire lord, I will be able to do anything I want." He started to sound like he was getting angry.
"Zuko don't say that, as Fire Lord you must not think much of the power your given and you can't let it go to your head." I tried changing the topic.
"Katara." He folded his arms obviously figuring out that I was trying to get off the topic of marriage.

I groaned and walked over to his bed and laid down.
I saw his facial expression soften and he walked slowly to the bed. "I have known you since I was 10, you were an angel in my eyes. I wanted to be around you. But you didn't seem to be that interested, and now that I have you I want to keep you." He laid a kiss on lips.

His touch was soft on my skin. He was gentle with me even though he looked strong and stern. His raven hair fell slightly over his eyes as he looked down at my face. He crawled into the bed next to me and he pulled the covers over us. I moved closer to his chest.
"I want to keep you too, Zuko." He sighed and pulled me closer to him.

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