Just a normal day in the fire nation

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Today was my 13th birthday. And my fifth year here in the fire nation. I woke up to the servants surrounding my bed with a small cupcake in my face.
"Happy birthday Katara!" They all screamed. I bolted up, my water on my nightstand was knocked over. I quickly Waterbender it back in the cup.

"Oh, thanks guys." I smiled. They frowned while I started getting ready.

"Are you seriously going to work on your birthday?" Suki asked pushing the cupcake to me.

"It's Azula." I groaned. Azula really like 'playing games' with me. And by that I mean, she liked giving me dangerous tasks.

They all made a sour facial expression. "They're only doing that because Zuko has something for you." They all made kissing faces.
"Guy's really!" I said disgusted.

"Hey it's true." Toph said. I waved it off and took my hair out of its braid.

"What ever, besides I haven't talked to him ever since he was aloud in meetings." I slouched.

"Are you disappointed." Suki joked. She twirled in a circle pretending to dance with Zuko.

"No. Good bye." I left walking upstairs. And just as I expected Azula was waiting for me. As well as Mai and Ty Lee, Azula's best friends.

"Good your here. Follow me." Azula said rather bored. I sighed and followed her and her friends outside.
"You know Katara, your very mature for your age. Your 13 right?" Azula said while walking to a small pond in the garden. I followed her, not that I had a choice.
Azula sat down in front of a tree and closed her eyes. I was a little taken back, she hasn't ordered me to do something horrible.

"That is right." I said putting my hands together. I started to move towards the tree.

"Don't move." Azula mumbled. Then she swished her hand at Mai who walked to the open hallway and waited there.
I don't know what they are trying to do. And, not surprising or anything, but I don't want to stick around to find out.

"What do you think of my brother?" She spoke, eyes still closed. Nice try.

"Um, I don't know, but I actually have the day off. So I, going to head out." I tried as casually as I could to leave. I don't want to be caught up in this mess. I'm 13, I don't need drama.

"Fine, but you will get what you deserve in the end." Azula mumbled. I stopped in my tracks, my face was bright red. What was that supposed to mean? She isn't even using me for anything!

"You have been nothing but rude to me! What have I ever done to you? I will leave and you will only call me when it is of utmost importance!" I snarled. My fists were clinched and I could feel the water around me start to raise.
Azula shot up, a smirk on her face. I was obviously doing exactly what she wanted.

"Hey! You don't give the orders here!" She snapped her fingers and I could see Mai in the back run around the corner.

"I-I...just don't use me for such useless stunts! I'm not a play dummy! I will be off." I started walking off, trying to play it cool without destruction.
Azula stomped the ground and shot out a tiny flame that got the side of my dress. The started spreading up my leg.
"Ah!" I screamed in pain as it reached through to my skin. Don't bend! This was going to leave a mark.
I tried smack at it, but Azula twitched her fingers to make it spread. Ty Lee was next to her laughing.
I have to bend!

I very quickly Waterbended a small part of the pond to my clothes.

Azula screamed "thank god! Mai your here with the guards! This servant started waterbending!"
Seriously! That's the best you could come up with!
Although I know, now I will be punished greatly. But I don't care! This was almost stupid! But anyone would believe the princess even if she is wrong.

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