Something to remember

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"Would you hurry up!" Azula was laying on her bed reading through some scrolls. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing her floor. I took a depressed breath and continued. Back aching and hands with blisters, I still continued. It was my job. I heard a knock at the door and I could see Azula motion for me to get it. I sighed and walked over to the door to open it.

"Oh hey Katara." Zuko was standing in the door frame. I raised a eyebrow and let him in. He moved passed me and sat in a chair.
"What do you want Zuzu?" Azula said quite bored. Zuko sat forward in his chair.

"Sorry to hurt your feelings sister but I'm here for Katara. It's an emergency." He stood again, which I thought sitting was pointless at this point because he literally sat down a few seconds before. But he looked to be a little nervous.

Azula dropped her scroll and sat forward. "She is needed here. And she will stay." She pointed to the ground.
Her eyes were burning holes into Zuko. But Zuko was gritting his teeth. "I'm serious Azula, get someone else." He walked over to me and offered his hand for me to get up. I looked over to Azula who was growling.
I took Zuko's hand and he pulled me up on my feet. I automatically pulled my hand right out of his. He looked like he was about to protest then stopped.

"Fine." Azula said quickly and quietly picking her scroll back up.
I sighed and followed Zuko out.

"What do you need me for?" I said dryly. But Zuko ignored my coldness to him.

"My mother is very sick, as you know. And I was wondering if you could try something?" He said. His eyes stayed strait forward. I could tell he was really worried his mother wouldn't make it.

Which is probably true. She had a dangerously high fever and was as pale as a bed sheet. And not to mention she could barely breath. Her air ways are barely open, and that is not making the wheezing any better.
She has been touring like this for many months, and we don't know how long she will last.
We approached the door to the Fire Lady's room. "How come you didn't get another servant?" I asked before we went inside.

Zuko looked at the door knob. "Because you are the only Waterbender." He paused. "And she wanted you to be here." He closed his eyes, and his breathing increased. And I actually felt bad for him. My eyes filled with sadness. I slowly put my hand in his.
He froze for a second. I smiled slightly. "Um, we should probably go in." He said awkwardly scratching the back on his neck. I nodded and opened the door. When we walked in I could see a crowd of people containing Fire Lord Ozia, General Iroh, some fire sages, a lot of random servants and guards.

They all turned our direction. "Miss Katara." I could hear General Iroh call out. I raised my chin and walked over to the Fire Lady. Zuko stayed by my side, his shoulder brushed mine barely. "We have reason to believe you are able to heal Ursa." General Iroh said. I noted that he just called her Ursa, no Fire Lady Ursa. I mean they were family but still, it felt odd.

"Heal her? How?" I turned to him. I could feel Zuko lightly grab my hand again. His skin was soft, and it oddly made me feel comfortable, I guess that's why he held my hand in the first place. I already know his father is horrible to him, telling him he isn't good enough. And if he lost his mother, he would have no one. Guilt plunged through me. I was always awful to him, and all he needs is a friend. I squeezed his hand tighter.

"Some waterbenders have the ability of healing." Iroh said. In the corner of my eye, I saw Fire Lord Ozia inspecting a document. I was a little baffled. He didn't care about his wife at all did he? That's why I promised my self I would marry a man who I know would always be kind to me. I noted that quickly.

One of the servants walked forward and handed me a bowel of water. I hesitated but lifted the water out of the bowel. "And do mind, we have guards here. Use the water for anything other than this, and there will be dire consequences." Ozia finally stepped in.
I stared at him for a few seconds then nodded.
I continued moving the water to Fire Lasy Ursa.
I gently laid my fans oh her neck. The water moved to surround her neck and upper shoulders. Ursa wheezed slightly and clinched her eyes shut.
I breathed in and out slowly and closed my eyes. I forced my hands to relax, and I waited.

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