Chapter 1

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I woke up and stared at the white tiled ceiling above me. I was confused.

Where am I?

I heard the beeping of machines and assumed I was in a hospital. Why? That I don't know. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and a slight gasp escape someone's lips.

"Oh my gosh." I heard someone whisper, causing me to look over and see a blonde haired girl staring back at me. I couldn't exactly tell if she was excited or scared or maybe a little bit of both.

She motioned to someone and a few people, including her, came into the room and stood around the bed, which made me a little nervous. I saw a brunette girl whisper something to a boy with brunette hair and he left the room quickly.

"How are you feeling Lauren?" The blonde asked.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked nervously, causing them all to give me a worried look.

"You don't remember?" Another brunette boy asked.

"Remember what?"

Before anyone could answer the boy came back with another boy following closely behind him. The boy that came with him was taller, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, which lit up when they saw me. He came and sat next to me on the bed and grabbed ahold of my hand.

"I'm so happy you're awake. I was so worried about you." He says, planting a kiss on my lips that caught me off guard.

"Why would you do that?" I asked, pulling away quickly.

"What do you mean why-"

"Niall, she can't remember." A boy with curls, told him.

"Y-you d-don't r-remember me?" He stammered

"No." I began, shaking my head. "Am I supposed too?"

He nodded his head yes and walked quickly out of the room causing the boy with curls and the other one who left earlier to follow after him.


I left the room quickly and burst into tears. I heard footsteps running after me along with Louis and Harry calling my name trying to get me to stop but I didn't I just kept running. Apparently not fast enough because the next thing I knew I was on the ground with Harry on top of me.

"Let go of me!" I yelled angrily.

"Niall you need to calm down, Lauren's a tough girl she will be okay." Harry says trying to comfort me

"Don't worry mate, she just has slight amnesia. I'm sure she'll be fine." Louis said


When the boys left the room, it was silent for awhile.

"So Lauren how are you feeling?" The blonde asked, breaking the silence

"Okay I guess,  just tired." I respond.

"We'd be happy to answer some questions if you have any." A brunette with curls said.

"Okay, who are you all?"

The blonde came and sat next to me on the bed. She gave me a quick smile and I returned it.

"I'm Perrie and that's Zayn. He's my boyfriend." Perrie said, pointing to the guy with black hair who was standing by the door.

"I'm Danielle and this is Liam." The brunette with curls spoke. "Oh and that's Eleanor." She says, motioning to the girl sitting beside her.

"Okay, so Perrie, Zayn, Danielle, Liam, and Eleanor."

The other three boys came back in by this time.

"Oh and that's Louis he's Eleanor's boyfriend and that's Harry." Danielle says.

"And I'm Niall." The blonde said. Just hearing his name caused my heart to flutter.


"How do I know you? I know Perrie's my bestfriend and that's how I know everyone else but what about you?" Lauren asked.

I didn't know what to say and I think Liam could tell that I was stuck.

"Lauren?" He asked


"He's your fiancé." Liam said

As soon as he said that my face fell because she looked so shocked and scared.

"He's not my fiancé!" She said and with that I couldn't stay in the room anymore so I left.

I could hear her and Liam arguing about it which made me start to cry. I just sat down in a corner and cried for what seemed like forever.

I heard the door open and someone come out. They sat down next to me but I didn't look up. I didn't want too.   

Waking up in IrelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora