Chap 1

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Justin's POV

Everything happened so fast and then it all went black. I grasped my stomach and curled up into a ball on the sidewalk. This wasn't the first time I got beat up walking home from school I was used to it. I heard the sound of footsteps running away. After I was sure the bullies had left I got up and brushed myself off.
As I continued to walk home Damon saw me and came running over. It had been a long time since we had seen each other. I quickly covered my face with my with my sweater.

"What's up?" Damon said looking sort of concerned.
"Nothing" I said "I'm just cold."
"Justin" Damon giggled "it's 30 degrees out how can you be cold"
Damon reached for my sweater and pulled it away from my face. He gasped
"Who did this to you?!"
"I..I don't know everything went black. I didn't get to see them"
"Justin why would you try and hide this from me. How long has this been going on?"
"Only a few months" I said as he observed my face.
"A FEW MONTHS Justin that's terrible does your dad know?"
"No why would I tell him. He would move me to a different state and I don't want to move I want to be close to you"
"Justin you need to tell him this has to stop"
"I know but the only thing he can do is move me and like I said I don't want to leave"
Damon grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eyes" If you don't tell him (he pauses) I will"
Damon stormed off back into his house. I cover my face up again. I get home and my dad is in the kitchen making dinner.
"Hey dad I'm home" I say taking my shoes off. I hurry down stairs to my room. I check my phone and there's a bunch of notifications. I open my phone to all these hate comments on my most recent Instagram picture. I decided to read a few.
"How was the walk home today Justin? Did you get home and cry to your mommy"

"Why don't you just kill yourself and make room for someone wanted"

The comments hurt me. I couldn't keep reading. "I don't understand why everyone hates me. What have I ever done." My dad calls me up for supper.
"I'll be right there" I yell
I roll off my bed and walk into the bathroom, wash my face and look up into the mirror. My nose stopped bleeding but my lip was still swollen. "Tomorrow's a new day let's hope it's a little bit better" I grab my hoodie, cover my face and run up stairs to eat.

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