Chap 4

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Justin's POV

We have our bags on our back and Maidel was carrying a book in her hand. The cover read "I'm an egg"
"What book you reading? I asked her kind of intrigued.
"Oh it's a book about martial arts" she said laughing "the name is deceiving"
"Yea haha I can tell. Do u enjoy martial arts?"
"Yes actually I do. But my parents won't let me take it"
My face lit up "I could teach you. I'm starting to train!"
"Really" she said "that would be awesome"
We got to my house and we went downstairs. I sat on my bed and realized I had a huge science project to do and I hadn't started. Maidel offered to help me. We spent almost the whole afternoon working on it. We decided to take a work break and I thought I could show her some of my martial art work. I did a few flips and kicks. She looked so fascinated. I got tired so we got back to work and then she had to leave. As she packed up her stuff she said
"well I have to go but this was fun. We should do it again sometime.
" I nodded and lead her upstairs. She put her shoes on and looked up at me.
"Justin" she looked nervous.
"I know we just met but your a great guy and I enjoy spending time with you"
She quickly leaned in and kissed my cheek. She basically ran out the door after that. I didn't know what to say. Maidel was my friend but I didn't like her like that. I guess I would have to find a way to tell her.

••Time skip••

After dinner I check my phone to look at my feed.
One new follower.
I tilt my head.
"Huh I wonder who this could be."
The username read "razzlez_beast"
I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know who he was and he wasn't that cute but he seemed nice. I started stalking his profile. I asked myself how he had so many followers. I only had a hundred and thirty he had over a thousand. "That's crazy" I thought to myself.

••Time skip••

I woke up and got ready for school. As I walked out the door Maidel was there. Scared half to death I yelled
"Oh my gosh Maidel you scared me"
Very excited she said
"Hi I thought we could walk together"
I stumbled on my words a bit but agreed and we started walking. All threw the day Maidel was waving at me and hugging me, jumping on my back and it got annoying. I needed to find a way to tell her I didn't like her like that. As the day ended I quickly ran to my locker so I didn't run into Maidel on the way out. I didn't want to have to walk home with her. I ran out the school doors and made my way home. I heard someone yelling and I started walking faster thinking it was Maidel. Some one grabbed the back of my back pack and pulled me to the ground. This definitely wasn't Maidel. Whoever it was they kicked my face and threw rocks at my back then they ran. I rolled over and I saw Damon running towards me. He helped me up and just stared at me. He was speechless. He shook his head and walked back into his house looking very discouraged. I got to my front door and panicked. I didn't have a sweater to cover the bruise on my cheek. I walked inside and Danny had just come down the stairs, he looked at me and his jaw fell open. I covered my face and ran downstairs into the bathroom and locked the door. I could hear Danny running down the stairs after me, he jiggled the handle. When he noticed it was locked he sighed and walked away. I didn't know how I could keep hiding this from my dad but I knew I had to find a way.

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