Chap 16

229 31 7

Justin's POV

The next few days went by pretty fast. Kale had given me almost a complete makeover. He took me out and we bought new clothes. He decided he was going to cut my hair as well he taught me how to use gel so I could spike it up. It was great. The end of the week rolled around and I was finally allowed to see Raegan. As I walked to where his room was a turned to Kale.

"Do I look okay? I feel like I look weird. What if he doesn't like me anymore?"

Kale laughed

"Hey are you saying I didn't do a good job with your hair"

"No no no not at all I just... what if he realizes I'm not as good as he thought I was. I mean he has never seen me in person."

"He'll love you Justin"

And I turned and walked in. Raegan was half asleep Kale pointed at the chair beside his bed. I tiptoed over and sat down. I leant on his bed admiring him.

"Holy butt" I thought to myself "he's so precious" I admired his face. Every little freckle on his face. His cute little nose. The shape of his lips and the softness of his hair. Ugh I loved everything about this boy. He started to stir in his sleep. Maybe he was waking up. He took a deep breath in ever so calmly and whispered my name. Then a tear dripped down his cheek. I grabbed his hand. I couldn't figure out if he was awake or not. I used my thumb to rub the back of his hand and I kissed his forehead. He moved a little and then opened his eyes.

"Justin?! Oh my gosh. You're here? How did you get here. Kale. Did you do this?!"

"Shhh Raegan you have to calm down your gonna unsteady your heart rate"

He lied down.

"Babe why were you crying? Are you okay"

"Yea yea I just had a dream about you and you got hurt... it's nothing don't worry about it. Ughhh babe I can't believe your here"

"I can't believe it either. You know something"


"Your adorable. Especially in person"

I giggled. Kale got up at said he'd give us some alone time. I crawled on to Raegan's bed.

"Hopefully I don't get yelled at for this"

We laughed a little. I leant my head on his chest trying not to get knotted in all his tubes and wires. We talked for a while. I asked him what had happened and why he was here. What meds he was on. How school was going and eventually we fell asleep. Not for long because Kale came in with the doctor and I was told I had to leave. But I could come back the same time tomorrow. Me and Kale walked out and decided to go get Rae a little get well soon gift.

••Time skip••

We walked downtown and found a little trinket store. But nothing in the store really reminded me of Raegan. We found somewhere more practical. After a few hours we had found everything we needed. There Frosted Flakes, a McDonald's gift card, a stuffed Chewbacca and a Justin Bieber snap back.

"Wow" Kale said "that's Raegan stuffed in a basket"

I laughed "yep definitely"

We headed back to Kales so we could be up bright and early to see Raegan. I flipped onto the bed.

"Ugh I feel so bad for Rae. This must suck for him"

"Don't worry about it Raegan's a mess. He'll get threw it."

I sighed "I guess"

Kale walked out the room down the hall and I heard him say.

"You know what will make you feel better"



He ran down the hall and jumped on me practically squishing me to death.



Laughing I said "You're stupid"

And we went to bed.

Wowie I've been dead. Sorryyyy

I'm gonna update more often. I don't even know why I haven't been updating I just didn't even think about it😂🤦🏽‍♀️

Anywaysss 20+ votes and 5 comments for next chapter.

I love youu💗💗

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