Chap 15

289 37 32

Justin's POV

We drove back to Kale's house.

"What am I supposed to do Kale? I was only supposed to spend three days here!! I have school on Monday but I'm skipping it cause of my flight home. I have to see Raegan but I also have to go home and..."

Kale grabbed my shoulders and cut me off

"Justin calm down" he said laughing

"Just tell your dad what happened. I'm sure he would let you stay for a week or so. You're safe here. My mom will feed you and you can borrow my clothes if you need too"

I bit my lip and hesitated.

"Okay" I finally said

"I'm going to call him"

I picked my phone up and called my dad. He answered

"Hey dad so long story short. Raegan was put on medications so that they can find out what's wrong with him"

"That's great son!"

"But he's not allowed visitors for a week..."

"Justin I-"

"Could I please stay here for a week and a bit!?"

The conversation seemed to go on for ever. After telling him a million times that I could stay with Kale and that he'd let me borrow his clothes. There was one small problem. School.

"Dad it's fine it's the end of the year I get good grades a week won't hurt"

He sighs

"Justin I don't know why I'm letting you do this but. Sure you can stay. But Danny has too come home the original time his flight is scheduled in two days"

"Dad you're the best I'm honestly so happy right now"

I started to tear up

"Okay I love you I will text you during the week. I'm going to go now before I cry in front of you"

I giggled and hung up. Kale looked at me.

"I'm assuming he's letting you stay"

"Yes he is!! But Kale what are we supposed to do for a week"

He smirked

"I have a few ideas"

It's almost like Kale had been planning for me to come over for months. We went out and took pictures, went out for supper, watched movies and he had lists of places he wanted to go with me. When we got home he pulled me into the bathroom.

"Let's give you a little makeover. We should start with your hair"

I looked at myself in the mirror. Kale had a point. The dye was starting to fade and it didn't really look good anymore.

"I... I guess we could. What color though?"

Kale looked over at his phone.

"It's 12:33 so I can't run out and get dye. We could color it brown though"

Brown? I thought to myself. My hair has always been black. I wonder if I'd look good. I wonder if Raegan would like it.

"You know what. Let's go for it"

And we got too work.

••Time skip••

After dyeing my hair and having a few too many drinks me and Kale were out of it. I was lying in his bed and he was lying on the floor.

"Kale listen there's this kid from my school and her names maiden and she found my musically and threatened to show the whole school unless I do her homework for the rest of the year"

We burst out laughing. Danny walked in.

"Justin dad just told em you're staying an extra week is that true?"

Slurring my words I managed to say.

"Yes it is why"

"I was just wondering. Have you been drinking?"

"Only a little bit"

Me and Kale looked at each other and laughed again. Danny said

"You're lucky if I don't tell dad this"

And he stormed off. All night me and Kale laughed and his stupid jokes and my dumb stories until we eventually fell asleep.

Okay so we didn't get 5 comments so I'm only updating once tonight.

Thank you so much for all the positive comments though they make me super happy💗

23+ votes and 3 comments for next update :)

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