Chap 10

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Justin's POV

Me and Maidel sat together at lunch and I told her about my "vacation"
"So where did you go"
"Oh uhm I went to... Canada"

The conversation seemed to go on forever. The lunch bell rang and went back to class

••Time skip••

When I got him from school I did my everyday routine. I grabbed a snack, said hi to my dad and went downstairs and called Raegan. When he answered my face time he was talking too someone. Smirking he said
"Oop here he is"

He motioned to the person he was talking to that he was going to be a minute and then looked at me.
"Hey Jay how was your day? Haha that rhymed"
I giggled
"It was good. Who are you talking to?"
"Oh just some friends of mine"
"Oh do you want me to go?"
"No no no stay"
"Ok what are their names"

He looked over and it looked like he was reading something.
"There's uhm Bailey and Taylor and Kylie and..."

After naming about twenty names he looked back at me and said
"That's not even all of them"

I looked at him very confused. How did he have so many friends? Were they all over at the same time? He could tell I was confused.
"Bahaha Justin I'm live"
"Yea here look"

He picked up his computer and showed me his screen.

"Younow? What's that?"
"It's how I'm broadcasting. Here I will explain"

He put his computer down and said to his viewers
"I might go live later guys I love you"

Holding his hands in a heart shape I smiled. Gosh he was adorable. He looked back at me and started to explain.

••Time skip••

"So you just let random people watch you"
"Yea and I make musicallys"
"Yea here look"

He showed me younow, musicallys and twitter.
"I feel so not cool" I laughed
"Haha you're cool to me"

He smiled. He told me he had to go to do his online school.

••Time skip••

After a few weeks of being on musically I had a couple hundred followers and I really enjoyed making the musicallys. Me and Raegan were on face time when Raegan screams.
"I got featured!!!!"
"What's that?"
"It's like the popular page for musically"
"Seriously! That's awesome"
"Yea so many people are following me I will give you a shoutout"
"Ok sweet"
"Hey Rae I gotta go I have school tomorrow. I love you though "
"Aye I love you too"
I hung up and crawled into bed.

(Omfg I don't know were I've been😂 sorry for not updating in like 28426294 years. And this chapter is kinda gross but🤷🏻‍♀️)

Sorry for all the time skips I'm lazy.

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