Chap 14

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Raegan's POV

The doctor came in and said....

"Your heart condition is getting worse Raegan. We think that you might have raised your heartbeat to much and that is why you passed out. For the time being the meds you're going to be on make it so you won't be able to have visitors. I will give you and your mom a few hours and then she will have to go for a few days"

"A few days?" I thought to myself. "What kinda weird wacky drugs are they putting me on"

The doctor walked out and I was left in the room with my mom. We got into conversation as we waited for my first dose of meds to come in. Signaling that it would be time for my mom to leave.

Justin's POV

Me and Danny boarded out flight and took off. When we got to Maryland Kale was there to greet us with his mom. We ran up to each other and hugged as Danny stood there awkwardly.

"Oh haha Kale this is my brother Danny. Danny this is Kale"

Danny walked over to shake his hand and said.

"Funny name. Kale?"

"Yea haha my name is actually Kalvin but I prefer Kale"

They smiled at each other and we walked to where the carousel for our bags was.

"So have you heard from Rae?" I asked Kale

"No I haven't why?"

"He hasn't be answering me. That's why I came out. When I called him yesterday his mom answered. She was in a panic"

"Oh my gosh really?! Is Raegan okay?"

"She didn't tell me much but that's why I'm here I need to visit him in the hospital"

"Hospital? Oh shit"

Kale started mumbling under his breath.

"Oh my gosh. No no no. It's been so long since this happened. I wonder if it is that. I wonder why it happened"

I cut him off

"What do you mean? Since what happened? How do you know what happened?"

"Raegan has a heart condition and if he gets super excited or scared or works out and his heartbeat goes faster he passes out. He can't eat allot of junk food either"

"Seriously?! Why'd he never tell me this? Oh my gosh I feel so bad"

Our bags came around the carousel and we started walking towards the car. We stopped at Kales house and dropped our bags off and then made our way to the hospital.

••Time skip••

"Uhm... floor 3 room 126"

The lady at the front desk told us where Raegan's room was. I was practically running threw the hallways. We got onto the elevator and pressed floor three. As we walked out I felt weird. I walked to the wall there was a handle bar there. I then sat on the ground. Kale walked over.

"Are you okay?"

"Ya I'm fine it's just. I've never met Raegan in person. We've only ever texted or FaceTimed."

"Oh it will be fine Raegan's super fun"

We continued to walk down the hallway.

"124, 125 and 126 that's it. I looked inside and it was dark. I looked at Kale and grabbed the door handle.

"It's... it's locked?"

"Locked? That can't be"

We walked over to a nurse.

"Hello ma'm could you please unlock room 126 we are visiting"

"Sadly no I cannot. Mr Beast is on serious meds right now he needs lots of rest is isn't allowed visitors until visiting day"

"And when will that be?"

"In... let's see uhm... a week. Yes a week   We should know what's wrong with him by then."

"A week! A whole week?! Why is it going to take you that long?! You should be working on that right now!"

I started screaming in the hallway. Kale grabbed me and pulled me into the elevator. We got back into the car and drove to Kales house.

"Why can't he have visitors for a whole week. That's terrible"

"Yea I wonder what kind of meds he's on"

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Sorry about the swears by the way. If it bothers you just comment :)

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