Chap 6

538 21 7

Justin's POV

••Time skip••

I managed to skip school all last week. Don't ask me how but I figured out a way. Between being "sick" and convincing my dad that it would be better if I stay home it worked for that week. But now it's Monday morning again and I'm just about to hop in the shower. I was planning out how I was going to get to school.
"I could go the long way but, that would take me an hour. I don't want to walk for an hour" I guess we will see how it goes today. I finish up in the shower and get ready to leave. I walk out my door very cautiously and scurry down the sidewalk. I'm almost at the school when I can hear someone calling my name. The voice sounded familiar it sounded like the person who had called me a week ago. I was not about to turn around and see who it is. The voice kept getting louder and closer and suddenly I was whipped back. Whoever it was grabbed the handle on my back pack and threw me too the ground. I hit my head and blacked out. When I woke up my head hurt like hell and my cheek was bleeding. I got up and all day at school I was getting pushed or kicked in the hallways.

••Time skip••

Everyday this week as I walked to school I would get beat up and pushed to the ground. I couldn't handle it anymore. I ran inside crying Friday afternoon. Knowing my dad was at work it would be the perfect time to do what I needed to do. I ran into the bathroom. I couldn't do it anymore. It made me miserable I hated my life. I turned on the water in the bathtub. I was searching threw the drawers for a pair of scissors when I heard Danny coming down the stairs. I quickly hopped into the tub and put the scissors to my wrist when Danny knocked on the door. My head shot up I took a deep breath and looked back down at my wrist Danny slowly said.
"Justin are you okay?"
I didn't reply. I could tell Danny was getting worried. His voice was shaking.
"Justin common let me in. What's up?"
My hands were trembling and then I went for it. One cut, two cuts, three cuts I couldn't stop. It hurt so bad I was gasping for air trying not to cry. Danny yelled
"Justin! Let me in what's going on!"
I starting screaming  and crying. "Danny!! I can't do it anymore I don't wanna be here."
I unlocked the door my wrists had cuts all over them and I was sitting in a blood bath. Danny grabbed me and wrapped a towel around my body. He sat me down on the ground he hugged me and cried. I was in so much pain and I was loosing so much blood. Danny's sobbing made me cry harder. He was basically screaming. As I was crying I fainted as everything went black I heard Danny's cries. When I woke up I was in a bright room I looked to my side and my dad was there. I quickly started talking while grabbing my wrists
"Dad! Hi I'm okay where am I. No nothing's wrong"
"Justin stop calm down. You're in the hospital I know you cut your wrists"
His voice got shaky I could tell he was going to cry.
"I don't understand. Why didn't you just talk to me"
By this point he was crying.
"Please don't ever do something like this again. Just talk to me about it"
He grabbed my hand and bent his head down. He wiped his tears and told me to get some rest.

(Guys I'm sorry this is so sad😫😭 it gets better though)

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