Chap 7

500 16 3

Justin's POV

I woke up a few hours later. My dad wasn't in the room I reached over to grab my phone with my bandaged hands. As I opened my is Instagram I noticed I had a dm from the razzlez_beast kid. It read

"Hey you haven't been on social media in a while. I hope everything's okay. If you need anything you can dm me. I don't know you personally but I will try and help☺️❤"

I smiled. That was nice of him. Danny walked in and asked my why I was looking at my phone like an idiot.

"Nothing" I said

He shrugged his shoulders and told me I would be leaving the hospital sometime today. He hugged me and walked out of my room. I answered razzlez Beast.

"Hey I'm okay just some personal stuff going on. Thanks for the dm it made me smile. So haha what's your real name is it actually razzlez?😂"

"Haha no it's Raegan I should put that in my bio😂"

"Yea haha so how's your day going?"

"Pretty good. What about you?"

We talked for about an hour when my Damon walked in. I tensed up I knew he'd be upset. He say down on the hospital bed, looked up at me then back down. He sighed and slowly started talking.

"I told you... you needed to talk about it"

He started breaking down

"It didn't need to get to this point"

"I know Damon I don't wanna talk about it. It's to late anyways. What's done is done"

He looked disappointed but he gave me a smile. I could tell he knew there was nothing else to say.

"Hey could I stay the night at your house?" Damon asked

"Yea sure just ask my dad"

He walked out and walked back in to confirm he was coming over. On the way home we got Taco Bell.

••Time skip••

Me and Damon were sitting in my bed I sighed

"K so there's this girl at school and she's new. Her names Maidel"

"Yea okay what about her"

"Well se started talking and we hung out and well... she kissed me"

"Oo get some Justin what's wrong with that"

"Well I um.. I just don't like her like that and um.."

"What you know you can tell me anything. What's up?"

"Well Damon I'm gayy..."

"Oh cool"

"Seriously. That's it"

"Well what am I supposed to say"

"Oh I don't know I just thought you'd react different"

"Well I didn't"

My dad called us upstairs. As I got up the stairs my dad was sitting at the table with the box I had gotten from the mail a few days ago. He handed me the box and told me to open it. I had to ask Damon to help me. I couldn't peel the tape with my hands all wrapped up. Inside there was hair dye. I looked up at my dad speechless. I had been wanting to dye my hair for forever and he told me I wasn't allowed. With the biggest smile on my face I hugged my dad and thanked him and asked Damon if he wanted to help me with it. He agreed so we ran downstairs to the bathroom. I decided I was going to keep half of my hair black and dye the other half green.

••Time skip••

After two hours of Damon struggling to dye my hair. We had bleached and dyed it. I was standing my back facing to the mirror when Damon told me I could look at it. I slowly turned around and

"Oh my gosh I love it! Thank you Damon"

"Hey it was no problem I had a good time. Except when I accidentally ate part of the dye. Yea that was nasty"

All night I felt like a new person I kept brushing my fingers threw my hair. It was nice to have a change for once.

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