Chap 8

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Justin's POV

The next morning I woke up before Damon. I walked into the bathroom and had completely forgotten about my hair until I noticed it in the mirror. As I laid back down I decided that I should take a selfie and put it on Instagram. After taking a bunch of pictures I decided that I would probably get hate for it so I decided not to post one. I thought I could show Raegan though.

"Hey what's up"

"Hey uhm nothing much. Weird that you're texting me first?"

"Haha yea I guess I just wanted to ask if you wanted to see my hair"

"Uhm sure? But why"

"Oh haha I dyed it"

*sends photo*

"Ayye that looks awesome"

I thought to myself "huh Raegan's pretty chill, I wonder if we could become closer. He's really nice for what I know. Only thing is if we became close I would have to tell him I'm trans and that might be a problem.

Raegan's POV

"Dang" I thought to myself. "Justin was really cute. Especially with his hair dyed. I wish we talked more often. It's gonna be hard telling him I'm trans I mean if we ever become close enough that I can tell him." My step mom called me down to help her with Henry and I told Justin I had to go. I walked down stairs and he had spilled yogurt all over himself. I giggled and helped him get cleaned up.

••Time skip••
Justin's POV

Me and Raegan have been talking everyday for three weeks and we have gotten so close. I would consider him my best friend. Well besides Damon. He told me about his friend named Kale and I died laughing at his name. I've told him all about Maidel and how she kissed me

"Oo get some Justin😂"

"Ew is rather kiss a pig😑"

And then my heart stopped

"Hey did you wanna face time?"

I hesitated I was very shy and was nervous. I liked Raegan allot but actually seeing him still scared me. Another problem was my binder. No matter what shirt I wore it showed.

"Hello?" Raegan asked

Finally I answered "uhm yea sure"

And then I got a call. As I answered I angled my phone so you couldn't see my face. It connected and he was sitting right there.

"Dang he is pretty cute" I mumbled

"Common Justin" he said "show your face I didn't face time you so I could see your wall"

"But I have nice walls so it's okay"

"Ugh your a butt"

I slowly angled my phone so you could see my face I covered my mouth with my hands and looked around awkwardly.

"There we go! So Justin how are you today"

I rolled my eyes I hated when he was cheeky with me. Then my phone fell. As I was putting it back up I could see Raegan was observing me like something was different.

Then I remembered "Shat my binder"

I quickly moved covering my binder. Slowly Raegan said

"So Justin... I see your trans"

My heart started pounding what was he gonna say? How as he gonna react? A million questions went threw my mind at once.

"Uhm yea.."

I slowly looked down and moved over so Raegan could only see half my face. But Raegan seemed like it relieved him and I was confused.

"Well that's a good thing"

I looked up at him confused.

"That's one more thing we have in common"

He was smiling from ear to ear. I could tell that was I giant weight lifted off both our shoulders.

(Okay so the beginning of this chapter is terrible but I like the middle to end a lot so😂 I honestly have no idea if you're enjoying this so comment telling me if it's good or not plzz)

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