Chap 11

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Justin's POV

After earning a few thousand followers I could tell I was becoming more known. I had fanpages made for me and people comment on all of my Instagram posts and my musicallys. My  internet life was my secret life. Nobody at school knew about it and I could be who I wanted to be it was great. I called Raegan that night and we decided to go live. I had been planning something for a while and I was ready to do it tonight. When we got on everyone was commenting

"Do it Justin"
"Haha be ready Raegan"

Raegan was really confused.
"Why are the commenting that stuff? Guys explain I'm lost"
"Well Raegan see the thing is"
"Wait wait wait Justin hold up"

I paused wondering what was going on. Then Raegan said
"I would love to be your boyfriend"
"Raegaann" I said with an unhappy look on my face.
"What did I do. Is this a no? Did I mess up?"
"No no you didn't you just beat me too it. That's what I was going to ask you"
"Ohhhh is that why everyone was commenting stuff"
"Yes it was. But Raegan Beast even tho you stole my line I love you and would love to be your boyfriend"
We smiled at each other and I thought to myself "I chose the right one." That night we fell asleep on FaceTime together and I posted a picture of him with the caption "ma babez is cute😫"

The next morning I got to school as normal. But by lunch I was just having an off day and wanted to see my baby. As I was sitting at the lunch table staring at my food. Maidel came and sat infront of me.
"Oh hey. What's up"
"Nothing much what about you Jaygay"

Jay gay? What was she talking about.

"What do you mean?" I asked her
"What do I mean? I mean this"

She pulls out her phone and shows me the picture I took of Raegan last night.

"Your dating him. So your gay"

I can tell she's agitated. I don't really know what to say. Why would she be mad at me.

"Okay are you mad?"
"Of course I'm mad. You made me kiss you. I don't wanna kiss a gay guy that's disgusting. I don't even think I can talk to you anymore"

I was shook (😂 I'm sorry) I looked at her confused and said
"Well if that's what you want then I..."
She cut me off
"Oh and don't worry I know all about your little musically account. I could show the whole school"

My eyes shot open. I thought to myself "frick what to I do"

"Maidel that's not funny. So what I have a musically why does that affect you."
"It doesn't but obviously your scared. I'm gonna make you pay for lying to me. You weren't on vacation you were visiting your gay boyfriend!"
"So what if I was why do you care."

She looked me in the eyes and slowly said.
"You are going to do everything I ask of you or else *waving her phone* these bad boys will be let out for the whole school to see"
She could tell I was scared. I didn't need that stuff going public.
"Well funny enough I just got a butt load of math homework due tomorrow that I don't wanna do. Finish it! Or else."
She handed me the work, winked at me and walked away from my table.

••Time skip••

When I got home I sat down and started doing Maidel's homework. Raegan called me.
"Hey babez!" He said very excitedly
"Hey" I said not so excited
"What are you doing?"
"My math homework"
"Math homework? You only ever get math homework on Tuesday's and you do it at free period so we can talk after school? It's Thursday."
"Yea well we have a test coming up and our teacher wants us to be ready"
"Ok well do you want me to call you after?"
"How about I call you. Bye Raegan"
"Bye I love y..."

I cut him off and ended the call and got back to homework.

Raegan's POV
That was weird. Justin's never like that.  He didn't even say I love you. I hope he's ok.

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This chapter was kinda weird idk😂 I feel like once the end happened it happened quickly.

Okay guys I have no excuse for not updating. But it's summer and I forgot how much I like writing so I will update more often from now on💗✨

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