Chap 5

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Justin's POV

I had been sitting in the bathroom for almost half an hour. I opened the door and looked over to my bed Danny was sitting there. He looked up at me and motioned me to come sit down with him. I sat beside him and he turned to face me. As I started to talk he grabbed me and lied down hugging me. I could tell he wanted to help but he didn't know how. He was home schooled and wasn't the greatest with advice. He tried his best though. The feeling of his arms around me made me feel safe and happy. After a long hug I finally spoke up.
"Danny listen, I know I should tell dad I just need to find a way to do it. I promise I will tell him eventually"
"Please tell him sooner then later. You don't deserve this"
Danny helped me up and took me to the bathroom. He covered my bruise with some makeup and we sat on the couch and watched a movie. Our dad called us up for dinner and then we watched another movie and we called it a night. Danny and I decided to have a sleepover so he slept in the basement with me. We made a fort and ate cookies and chips. When I woke up and walked upstairs. I ate breakfast and my dad asked me to get the mail. As I was walking down to the mailbox I saw Maidel across the street. She was walking straight towards me so I ran behind a bush. She looked confused as to where I went. She looked around for me and then skipped away. "Yikes that was a close one" I was trying to stay away from Maidel these days I didn't know how to tell her I didn't like her. I pulled a parcel out of the mailbox, it was addressed to my dad. I walked back inside handed the box to my dad. "What is it?" I asked
"Nothing, just something I ordered"
My dad seemed secretive but I didn't question it. I went back downstairs and Danny asked me to play Mario cart. "Okay but don't cry when I beat you"
"You? Beat me? Okay Justin you know I'm the best at Mario cart"
"Oh you're on"
Me and Danny sat playing Mario cart for three hours. I won a few he won a few. On our last race my phone suddenly lit up. Someone was calling me with an unknown number.
"Danny pause it"
He paused the game as I answered the phone.
"Hello?" I said. The voice answered it sounded like someone my age but with a deep voice.
"Hello Justin. How was your walk home on Friday?"
"Uh... it was fine why? Who is this?"
"That doesn't matter. I suggest you don't walk to school anymore"
"Uh..uh.. why"
"Actually I suggest you don't come to school at all anymore" and then I heard a click.
"Who was that?" Danny asked
"I don't know. Doesn't matter though let's keep playing"
I couldn't process what had just happened but I was scared. I couldn't tell my dad but there was no way I could go to school. Not after that phone call.

••Time skip••

I woke up Monday morning quit early. First thing I thought of was that phone call. There was no way I was going to school today. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a hair dryer. I let it blow on my face till I thought my face would melt off. I heard my dad coming downstairs.
"Justin did you shower this morning? I didn't hear the water run?"
"Ya I did just a short one. Uhm dad?"
"I don't feel good I think I have a fever"
"Oh really here let me see"
He felt my head.
"Oh yea you seem quit warm lie down I will get you some water. Go back to sleep"
As he walked upstairs I sighed in relief. It worked today but what about tomorrow. I rolled into bed, the extra hours of sleep would be nice.

(Guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever😫 I have been super busy and had really bad writers block so sorry this chapter sucks but I tried! The next update will be sooner and better!!)

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