Chap 17

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Justin's POV

We showed up the next day to see Raegan. The exact same time as the day before just like the doctor said we could.

"Hey babe"

"Hey how are you feeling?"

"Way better the doctor said they don't know what's wrong with me still but I'm allowed to go home tomorrow"

"That's so exciting"

Kale walked over.

"Hey buddy we got you a little somethin"

He opened it.

"Aweee guys you didn't have to do that"

"We wanted to"

The doctor came in.

"Hello boys"

We waved back. She gave Raegan some pills and said that he would have to take one right now to make sure he wouldn't have an allergic reaction. I asked her if we could stay the night and she said that it wouldn't be a problem.

"This is perfect tomorrow we can drive you home as soon as you're ready"

Kale decided to go get a few board games and some cards so we had something to do while we waited.

••Time skip••

It was the next morning and Raegan was still perfectly fine. The doctor said he could come home. So he gathered his stuff and we went down to the car. I told Kale I'd drive being that he had been driving me everywhere this past week. Raegan and him sat in the back. As we drive along Kales gas light turned on.

"Kale we gotta pull over to get gas"

"Okay sounds good. Want me to pump it?"

"No I'll be okay."

We pulled up to the gas station. I turned around looking over the seats.

"Anyone want snacks?"

"No I'm good" Kale said

"Could I have a water?" Raegan asked.

"Sure babe. I'll be right back"

I walked outside and starting pumping gas. I went in to pay and to buy Raegan some water.

Kale's POV

I watched Justin walk inside. Then I turned to Raegan.

"I told him"

"You did what?!"

"I told him Rae. About your heart condition"

"Kale! What the frick"

"Calm down. I didn't tell him everything. I just told him that if you get I excited you can pass out."

"I almost killed you"

"Well you know Rae you're gonna have to tell him eventually"

"No I don't. As long as I take care of myself he'll never have to find out."

"Oh come on don't give me that. What happens if it's spontaneous and you can't stop it"

"I'll figure it out. It'll break his heart if I tell him and he can't help me"

"He loves you Rae. If you die and he has no idea why. He'll hate himself even more"

Justin's walked out of the store and got into the car.

"Hey babe here's your water"

"Thank you" he smiled.

He opened the water and drank the whole thing while me and Justin's stared at him.

"Damn what a thirsty hoe"

Justin's giggled and smirked at him. Turned around and started driving again.

••Time skip••

Justin's POV

We got to Rae's house and he led us inside.

"Wow your house is nice"

He opened the front door.

"I'm home!" He called

Henry came running.


He yelled jumping onto Raegan.
Raegan picked him up.

Laughing a little "Woah take it easy on me Henry"

Man he's so cute. I thought to myself. He's gonna be such a good dad. Raegan put Henry down

"Hey I'll put my stuff in my room and we can head to Kales house. Sounds good?"

We both nodded. Raegan started jogging up the satires.

"Hey Rae" Kale called out "take it easy"

Raegan rolled his eyes and disappeared up the stairs.

Wowie I've been dead. Again🙄 I seriously need to figure this out.

How was this update? It was pretty chill nothin crazy exciting happened.

What do you think Raegan's keeping from Justin?🤔

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Anywayssss I love you guys💗💗

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