Chap 9

510 23 3

Justin's POV

••Time skip••

Me and Raegan were face timing again later that week and he asked me what personal stuff had happened.
"I've got a question"
"Why have you been off school for three weeks?"
"Oh we are on break"
"Oh okay. Another question you know how when I first dmed you you told me personal stuff was going on"
"Yea what about it"
"Well what kinda personal stuff"

I wanted to tell him but I didn't at the same time. I kinda looked around while I was contemplating what to say.

"Well it's a long story" I finally said
Laughing he said "I've got time"
I rolled my eyes "fine"
"Okay well I lied I'm not on break I'm on some kind of personal break from school. I get bullied and beat up allot in school and when you texted me I was in the hospital because I..."

I paused what if he took it the wrong way. What if he won't want to be my friend after this.

"Because you what Justin..?"

I looked back up at him and moved my phone so you could only see half my face.

"Because I cut my wrists"

I looked down I pulled my hoodie up over my mouth. Raegan was at a loss of words and in my mind that didn't seem good.

"Justin... I know I can't ask you why because I will never be able to fully understand. I know it was hard for you to tell me and I appreciate that you did. Whatever happens please talk to me next time"

I smiled and looked at him. He meant so much to me. After a while he had to go and the rest of the night I couldn't help thinking about how much I liked him. I didn't really like him I loved him.

••Time skip••

So after three weeks of being off school I woke up Monday morning knowing it was going to be hell. I rolled over and checked my phone there was a text from Rae.

"Hey Jay I know you're going back to school today. I know it might be hard but no matter what if you need anything just text me k?☺️ I will be home all day and I will keep my phone on my at all times. Try and have fun. Go kiss Maidel or something😂 I love you❤😊"

I smiled, rolled over and dug my face into my pillow. Ugh he made me so happy I got up and got ready for school. My dad offered to drive me. As I was getting out of the car he stopped me and said

"Look today might be hard ok. Uhm Just text me if you need anything. Uhm I hope that Uhm.."

I cut him off

"Dad today's going to be fine thank you for driving me I love you"

He smiled

"I love you too"

I got inside and went to my locker there was a sticky note stuck to the front. Hesitantly I grabbed it and read.

"I don't know where you are but I hope you're okay. The school won't tell me anything. When you get back sit with me at lunch and we can catch up

It was nice of her I grabbed my books and as I turned around I felt someone jump on me. It was Maidel.

"Oh my gosh where have you been I've been worried sick"

"I was away on a trip"

"Ok well I have to go to class but sit with me at lunch we can catch up"

She ran away to her class. I didn't know how I was going to lie to her. I couldn't tell her what actually happened.

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