Chap 13

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David's POV

"I don't think....
That we can go tonight."

Justin's face dropped

"But...I will check flights for tomorrow okay."

His face lit up again.

Justin's POV

"Oh my gosh! Really dad!"

I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I've ever given anyone. He hugged me back and then let go.

"Justin..." he said slowly

"Thing is is... well. I have work this week and I can't come with you but I don't want you to go alone. So I think Danny might have to come"

I get really bad anxiety when I'm alone so Danny coming with me was no problem.

"No that's fine! I don't like being alone you know this dad"

I laughed and ran downstairs


As I ran down the stairs I could hear my dad chuckling.

••Time skip••

"Okay dad so I have 3 pairs of pants and 3 shirts to go with that. I have enough underwear and socks for three days. All my other necessities brush, retainer ect"

I pointed out everything in my suitcase and looked at my dad making sure he approved. He nodded then said

"So you will land tomorrow at noon. I just need someone to pick you up"

"KALE CAN" I yelled out

"Kale? Who's kale?" My dad asked

"He's one of me and Raegan's friends"

"Seriously Justin. This is a big responsibility. I can't just let you go into a strangers car"

"No it's okay dad. I can call Kale right now. You can talk to his mom. She knows where Raegan lives and she can just pick me up and drop me off"

"Fine. But call him right now!"

I called Kale up and told him the plan.

"Sounds lit" Kale said with a smile
"I've never met an internet friend"

"Okay so can my dad talk to your mom?"

"Yea sure.. MOM"

I heard him yell on the phone.

••Time skip••

My dad got off the phone. I looked at him smiling.

"Okay it's set. Kale's mom will pick you up at the airport and drive you to her house to drop off your bags. She can drive you to the hospital and you will get to see Raegan. From there you will have to figure it out. Now it's late go to bed I will wake you up tomorrow"

I ran downstairs and got ready for bed. As I was laying in my bed a thought about how happy I'd been. I'd completely forgotten about Raegan. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. I was gonna send him a text telling him I was coming and then I thought. "Let's keep this one a surprise." I smiled and texted him.

"Hey babe. I love you. You didn't answer my call but I'm sure we will see each other soon😉❤"

Then I went to sleep.

Raegan's POV

"What the fuck mom you didn't tell Justin what happened he's probably worried sick I didn't answer"

She told me to calm down. I wasn't allowed to raise my heartbeat or I could pass out again.

I yelled at her "Justin has to know what happened to me"

As my mom went to reply I got a text from Justin. It read

"Hey babe. I love you. You didn't answer my call but I'm sure we will see each other soon😉❤"

Okay well at least he wasn't worried. He gets anxiety when he's worried.
I lied back down in my hospital bed and looked at my mom.

"I look like an old lady with this hospital gown on"

She laughed and said "wow these meds have your emotions all mixed up don't they"

The doctor came in. He sat down beside me and said....

Another cliff hanger😏😂

20 votes to find out what the doctor says!

Comment what you think happened to Raegan🤷🏻‍♀️

Okay I know I said I'd update and I didn't because I'm a terrible person. This time I will as soon as we hit 20 votes. I have the next chapter already written soooo yea


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