Chap 2

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Justin's POV

I sit down at the dinner table with my back facing my dad and Danny sits across from me. Danny had just taken a trip to Japan as an exchange student so I hadn't seen him in a few months. My dad rustling around in the kitchen getting everything ready. As I'm sitting there awkwardly covering my face I make eye contact with Danny. He gives me a weird look. I can tell he is asking me what's up. I slowly lower my sweater and sadly look at him. I can tell he doesn't know what to say. I don't blame him. My dad puts everything on the table and sits beside me. He asks me how school was. Me and Danny quickly make eye contact and look down.
"It was fine" I say hesitantly
"Are you sure you don't sound too confident about that"
"No yea everything is fine school is good"
"Okay that's good, now eat up while it's still warm"

••Time skip••

After about an hour of my dad asking Danny how Japan was. We finish eating and my dad asks me to clean up after dinner. As I'm packing up the dishwasher Danny grabs my shoulders and turns me around. I can tell he is going to yell at me so I quickly cover his mouth and whisper
"Shhh dad can't know about this"
Danny pulls my hand away
"Why? This is serious"
"I know it is I just don't want to have to move"
"Justin you can't get beat up like this. How long has this been happening"
"I'm handling it. It's only been a few months"
"Months?! Justin you should have told me"
"I know I know I just didn't want to bother you I'm fine Danny I promise leave me alone I can do this myself" I slam the dishwasher door shut and stomp down to my room. I flop onto my bed and dig my face into my pillow. I roll over and decide to take a shower.
As I'm getting undressed I look in the mirror "ugh dysphoria" I frown and hop into the shower. The warm water feels nice on my bruised face. When I'm finished I hop into bed and close my eyes. All I can think about is what Danny and Damon said. The image of me getting beat up plays in my mind as everything goes black I fall asleep.

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