Chapter 2

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I do not own Naruto!
Just Hotaru and her "parents".
Click on the song on the beginning of the Genjutsu.

Hotaru P.O.V

I started to open my eyes and saw that I wasn't in the same place I was before, I was laid down on grass and there was trees everywhere.

- You're finally awake. - I looked to see who talked and there he was, what the hell did I do to deserve this?!

- Where am I? And what do you want from me? - I asked annoyed

- As I said before, I want to talk to you. But you ran away before I got the chance to, you made me put you in a genjutsu so I can tell you the truth about you.

- You had to put me in a what? - I asked confused.

This guy is crazy!

- Genjutsu. - he said with a straight face.

- I heard you the first time Genius! What is that thingy?

- Genjutsu is a Illusion Technique. Is a technique that use the chakra in victim's nervous system to create illusions.

- Great! JUST GREAT! You're a Pedo and a FREAKING LUNATIC! - I said while getting up.

This day just keeps getting better and better!

- I need you to look into my eyes so you can see the truth and know who you really are.

- Really?! And who am I Sherlock?!

- My name is Itachi...not Sherlock.

I looked at him with a dumb look on me FREAKING FACE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

- Ok...Why would I believe in you?

- You get picked on in your school, your parents are afraid you and you don't understand why, most of the times you feel different, you ask yourself all the time why do you look so different from your parents, you always feel like you don't belong here, you just don't know why. Am I right?

- do you know all of that? - I asked confused and scared.

- Do you believe in me now?

- That doesn't answer my question!

- You also feel powerful when you get angry. Admit, you have done things that you can't explain.

I widened my eyes after what he is true, but how could he possibly know about that? My mind returns to reality when I notice his eyes turning red again.

- What is that? - I asked pointing to his eyes.

- Sharingan.

- What? - I asked more confused than ever. I'm only 10 years old for crying out loud!

- I'll explain to you later. Now let me show you the truth.

And with that I started to see things.

****In the Genjutsu****

I see a red haired woman holding two blond babies, a boy and a girl.

- They're beautiful. - she said crying. Why is she crying? Isn't she happy she had babies?!

- Yes, they are Kushina. - a guy with blond hair said. So her name is Kushina and he must be the father, but then loud sounds become even closer and then I see a HUGE FOX with NINE FREAKING TAILS!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT???

- Kushina, I have to seal the Kyuubi to save the village. I believe in Naruto and Hotaru.

- No, Minato. They are just babies, they don't deserve this. Please Minato. - she cried even harder. So his name is Minato and Naruto must be the boy and Hotaru must be the girl, but what does he mean by seal that fox?

- I know love, but they are strong and they will be great ninjas once they grow up. I believe in them Kushina. - he said with a sad smile.

- Ok...Minato.

He did a bunch of hand signs that I did not understand and a weird thing with horns appeared! And chains came out to grab the fox!

- Fuinjutsu. - the blond haired guy said...wait! That means seal, a mark appeared on the babies bellies.

Then the fox suddenly put his HUGE NAIL trough the guy and woman.

- Kushina we don't have much time. Let's say our final words to Naruto and Hotaru. - he said with tears in his eyes.

After that the red h...Kushina started talking.

- Naruto, Hotaru don't be picky. Eat lots and grow strong. Make sure you bathe every day and stay warm. Also don't stay up late, you need lots of sleep. And make friends, you don't need a lot of friends just a few...ones you can really, really trust. I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard. Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so don't get too depressed if you can't do something well. - then I looked the other way an there was 3 other guys, why aren't they helping them??? Then I looked at her when she started talking again.

- Respect your teachers, oh and this is important. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi (ninja), be extra careful about lending and borrowing money. Put your mission wages into your savings account. No alcohol until you're twenty, too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation. Another prohibition is women and men both of you need to remember, this world is made up of men and women, so it's only natural to take an interes in girls and boys, but...just don't get hooked on the bad ones. Naruto find someone just like me and Hotaru find someone just like your father. Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraya-sensei you know. - after that last phrase Minato smiled, but who is that Jiraya guy?

This is so sad, what does this have to do with me? Just then she continued.

- Naruto, Hotaru, from now on you're going to face lots of pain and hardship. Be true to yourselves, have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true! There's so much, oh, so much more that I want to pass on to both of you. I wish I could stay with you longer. I love you. Minato, I'm sorry I used up your time. - she concluded crying.

- It's okay. Naruto, Hotaru my message to both of you is...I guess it's the same as your nagging mother's. - he said smiling and closing his eyes finally sealing the fox.

With that the fox disappears and Minato falls and Kushina stays there in front of her babies, when she's about to fall a guy appears and holds her.

- Kushina...

- Sarutobi-san...his name is Uzumaki Naruto and her name is Namikaze Hotaru...please protect them.

- I will.

With that she died, he then puts her carefully down and gets the boy and girl and disappears. When I thought this was over I was pulled into another scenario, but this one I knew. That's my house and just then I see Sarutobi giving the girl to a coupl...WAIT! Those...Those are my parents! Then he said.

- That's Hotaru. Please take care of her, she just lost her parents and has the Kyuubi inside of her. That's a demon fox, it is sealed so it's not a problem. When she is 10 years old someone will come to tell her the truth and train her, meanwhile please take care of her. Her name is from her father (Namikaze) and because of that it's best for her not to be in Konoha for now, not until she's able to protect herself.

- We will. Her name here will be Layla. - my father said...No...that's not possile.

With that I return to where I was with Itachi.

****End of Genjutsu****

- No... - I whispered.

- What? - Itachi asked.

- parents are not my real parents are dead...they were ninjas and I have a brother that is alone...why?...WHY???? - I screamed the last word.

- I'm sorry.

Was all he said, with that I fell into the darkness. I just couldn't deal with everything.
I passed out crying.

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