Chapter 17 - Part 2

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I don't own Naruto or the images.

Naruto P.O.V

- Hotaru.........Hotaru? can't be.......HOTARU! – I screamed.

Sasuke P.O.V promised you wouldn't leave me...please Hotaru. I just told you I love you, please Hotaru....beautiful...come back to me...I need you.

3rd Person P.O.V

- She was a true ninja worthy of honor. Is this the first time you see a friend die in battle? This is part of what it means to be a ninja. – Haku said.

- Shut up. You'll pay for this. – Naruto said.

A red and powerful chakra came up.

- I'M GONNA KILL YOU. – Naruto screamed.

The needles in his body started to come out and his wounds were now completely healed. Meanwhile Kakashi was worried since he heard his student scream for his daughter and now he was feeling the Kyuubi's chakra.

Kakashi P.O.V

No...she can't be dead right? She's strong...right? That chakra Kyuubi's, it's not from Hotaru she can control she alright?

3rd Person P.O.V

Naruto was furious that Haku killed his sister, his bestfriend's girlfriend. His energy was so strong that the mirrors broke. Sasuke didn't even care, he was now just crying over his girlfriend's dead body, he didn't care about the rest he just wanted her back. Naruto punched Haku sending him flying in the process. He was about to punch him again but stopped.

- That guy in the woods...that was you? – Naruto asked confused.

- Why do you not strike? Did you not just vow to avenge your sister's death by killing me? Or was that vow just empty words? – Haku asked confuse too.

Naruto looked at his sister lifeless body and then punched Haku once more.

- No that won't're still holding back. – Haku stated.

Haku and Naruto were now talking about honor and why he's not killing Haku. Meanwhile Kakashi was now about to kill Zabuza but Haku got in the way and got hit by Kakashi's jutsu, Chidori and then he said something to Kakashi.

- I'm sorry...about Hotaru...she died like a hero and with honor.

Kakashi was now crying, he couldn't believe that his precious daughter just died. Nobody could believe on what they just saw, that young boy giving his life for Zabuza.

- Well done Haku.

Was all that Zabuza had to say to the boy who just saved his life. Zabuza was now about to strike Kakashi and Haku with his sword since Haku was still alive grabbing Kakashi's arm. Even though Kakashi knew Haku just killed his only daughter he couldn't let Zabuza do that to him, so instead of jumping alone he grabbed Haku and both jumped away from Zabuza's attack.
Haku was now dead, Kakashi laid him down carefully on the ground and closed his eyes.

Naruto has a sister?! Namikaze Hotaru! - Sasuke Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now