Chapter 4

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I do not own Naruto!
That's what she started to wear to train!

Hotaru P.O.V

I woke up excited remembering the previous events, I got up from bed and prepared to school. After all the classes and bullying I came back home, did my homework and lied to my "parents" about where I was going. I went to the place where I first bumped into Itachi and there he was waiting for me.

- Hello! Itachi-sensei. - I said smiling.

- Hi. How was your day at school?

I mean, I looked at him shocked.

- What is it? - he asked confused.

- N-Nothing, is so called "parents" never ask me that so it's weird. But I'm okay, it went as the usual. Thank you for asking! - I said with a sad smile.

- I see...Well let's get to work. Shall we? - he said smirking.

- Let's start with the basics. - he told me while gesturing me to sit on the grass with him.

- Do you know what chakra is?

- No...I've never heard of it. What is it? - I answered.

- Simply put, chakra is the energy a shinobi needs when performing a jutsu...

- Itachi-sensei...What's a jutsu? - I asked interrupting him.

- Jutsu are the mystical arts a ninja will utilise in battle. As I was saying...that energy has 2 parts. The body energy that is in each of the billions of you cells and the spiritual energy gained through training and other experiences. These 2 parts are combined.

- Got it! - I said smiling kindly.

- Now there is 3 types of jutsu. Genjutsu, Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.

- Oh, oh, oh. Genjutsu is Illusion Techniques right?

- Yes, you're correct. - he said amused.

- Taijutsu is body techniques summing up, it refers to any technique involving martial arts or the optimisation of natural human abilities in general. Now Ninjutsu is different, it is basically any technique that does not fall under either Taijutsu or Genjutsu.

- I see... - I said fascinated by everything.

He then continued to explain to me the basics and inform me about Kekkai Genkais and the calns, which let me tell you was very interesting.

- Now that I taught you this you are going to perform some jutsu! But not here, give me your hand, I'm going to teleport us elsewhere so nobody see us.

And then we poofed!


- What did I told you yesterday?

- To not be too excited... - I answered annoyed.

- Exactly, now based on what I taught you, you are going to perform Bushin no Jutsu (clone jutsu), the hand seals are Tiger -> Boar -> Ox -> Dog. Like this, now you do it!

- Ok... - I tried but failed so many times, but then he said.

- Let's try something different, this is a prohibited jutsu but let's see if you can do it! It's called Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu), the hand seals for this one are Cross/Ram. Now try it.

- Ok, let's give it a try. - and just like that I did it!

- I-I did it!

- Yes, you did it. That is a B-rank jutsu, it means it is a Jounin level.

- Really?! Thank you for teaching me!

- It's not over yet. Let's continue. - he said poking my forehead slightly smirking.

We continued and in just ONE FREAKING DAY I learned all the basics as well as doing them, something that takes 4 years in the Konoha Academy, for some reason...Oh well!

*******Meanwhile 2 years passed*******

So I'm now 12 years old, Itachi trained me non-stop for this past years and he told me I'm already on a Jounin level, but I should still go to the academy and do everything from the bottom. So he's going to take me there a week before the Genin graduation. I learned almost everything and on a scale 1 to 10

Ninjutsu - 9

Genjutsu - 9.5 (since Itachi is the best on it he taught pretty well how to escape one and how to create a really strong one)

Taijutsu - 8

I was taught by a S-Rank criminal what do you expect?! I'm a pretty good medic-nin also, not as good the Sage Tsunade, but almost! I also learned my dads jutsu, the Hiraishin no Jutsu, Itachi said that I'm going to be the next Yellow Flash! I learned all of this by studying scrolls that Itachi brought to me, I'm also pretty good at analyzing and creating strategies. I already told my "parents" about that day, they were shocked at first but agreed with my decision.
So tomorrow Itachi is going to take me to Konoha! We are going to talk with the Hokage and put me in the academy! I will finally meet my brother, but I can't tell him though. Itachi told me everything about him and why he isn't in Konoha...It's so sad knowing all his history and how generous and kind he is. He's kind of a father to me and he considers me as a daughter which is sweet of him.
Uh, uh, uh! I almost forgot I can control the Kyuubi now! It was one of the most scariest days of my entire life, his name is Kurama and he's nice to me...I also met my mother on that day when I was trying to get full control of Kurama...she helped me. She was able to tell me about her and dad. I misse her...I wish they were still alive...and I wish I could meet my dad, from what my mom said he seem to be one of the kindest person ever.
But oh well.

I'm going to sleep because tomorrow is going to be a big day!

I can't wait to meet everyone!

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