Love Is Never Enough, Part 2

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HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so i know i said that was a preview but i thought i might as well continue from there, but don't worry you didn't miss anything! I promise! also sorry its slow but it'll pick up, Ok so enough of that here's part 2!

Part 2

(Recap of preview)

Yep I'm in love with one of my best friends and i have a boyfriend who i can't get enough of. You see when i was fifteen i meet Kier and well Clide was and is a player so i thought stupidly what any other girl might think, make the bastard jealous!

Well you see it didn't work out so good, Clide liked Kier and i became fund of him myself, but more like a friend, ever since we're all just a big group of friends. I stayed with Kier and everyday i force myself to get over Clide and move on. NO SUCH FUCKING LUCK!


"Nah he just had too much sugar, hey do you want help with those?" i asked looking down at the three suitcases he was trying to carry to the car. He put them down and ran his tanned hand through his shaggy black hair.

"Would that be ok to ask a woman to help?" he joked and i picked up one of the suit cases taking it to the car. We were all going away to New York for three weeks and everyone slept over at mine. You see my parents are never home, they come to visit for a day but then it's back to Florida.

So you can imagine when i told them they were over the moon knowing they didn't have to come by and visit for three whole weeks! Tom, Jess, Clide and Kier where the male mates coming and me, Haley and Shannon where the only females.

The guys are eighteen while we're all seventeen, weird right? Well I'll tell you more about them later. I placed the suitcase in the boot and turned to look at Clide lifting up the other two, his eyes where just a gorgeous smoky brown.

I was about to move when someone's hands wrapped around my waist and lifted me up into the air. "Ah, Kier stop it!" i laughed as they finally put me down, "Who said anything about it being Kier?" i turned to face Jess and gave him hug, "Shannon's in the car," i said and he winked.

Shannon and Jess have been going out since we all became friends which was at the age of five, they seem pretty stable but hey who knows things always turn upside down. Jess was a tall, blond haired boy with a nose piercing and also the kinda coolest out all of us.

Tom was short but a bit taller than me, he has short black hair and green eyes and Kier was tall with short dark brown hair and hazel eyes. So that's them summoned up.....oh and well their kinda all players so yeah.

Clide went back inside to get more bags and i turned to look for Haley. I walked inside the house and up to my room, "Hey Haley, we're almost ready you coming?" i knocked lightly on my bedroom door. I heard a moan and then she answered, "Yeah.....just a minute," i walked back downstairs and Kier ran past me giving me a peck on the lips.

Don't get me wrong i feel really guilty but if I've managed to go this long with him, why can't i go a bit longer until i fall in love with him? It can't be that long. Out of all my friends Clide's the most over protective one, mainly cause he gets what it's like to grow up alone.

His parents split up and his mum was never home so he used to have sleepovers with me, my parents thought it worked out great, that way i wasn't alone. I was brought out of my thoughts when i tripped on my long white skirt and almost fell down the whole steps if Clide hadn't been up there and grabbed my waist pulling me back.

"Wow! Take it easy Cassie," my breathing went crazy knowing i was being pressed against his chest. "T....thanks," i shuttered. He gave me that charming smile as i turned around, "AHHH!" mine and Clide's head turned to look at my bedroom door, "Haley?" i whispered before running to the door.

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