Love Is Never Enough, Part 13

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(Sex scene, again)

Part 13


And then again he did say he and I would finish the whole fun time thing.



I got a few minutes of sleep but apart from that I really couldn't, I just slept with Clide! My heart did flips every time I thought about what had happened and my cheeks burned a deep shape of red as I replayed everything in my mind. What if I wasn't as good as the other girls he's done? I tried to ignore that thought as the sun's ray hit my face causing me to rest my chin on Clide's chest and look up at him. He was even more dazzling when he was asleep. I smiled at myself remembering the things he told me last night. His arm was still around me and I slowly shifted away from him trying to be as careful as possible.

As I slid off the bed a sharp pain spread across my abdomen causing me stop at the edge of the bed for a minute before the pain disappeared and I walked into my wardrobe pulling out my robe. I was tip toeing out the bedroom door when the phone started ringing, "Damn it," I whispered looking over at the now waking Clide. So much for letting him get some sleep! Clide sat up on his elbows and I ran out to answer the phone.


"Hi, Cassie, where are you? I'm waiting downstairs for you, remember school?"

Oh damn! I totally forgot! It's Wednesday! I slapped my forehead and tried to come up with a believable excuse not to go in, but.....what if Clide wants me to go in? Someone's arms wrapped around my waist pulling me to their chest and I froze on the spot, "Come up with an excuse?" Clide asked, whispering into my ear and then placing a kiss there,

"Um.....Lisa, I've sort something out, so I can't go. Sorry, but can you just tell the teachers I have......." I cut off not knowing how long I should be off for, "Swine flu, or something like that," Clide said placing more warming kisses up and down my neck, oh god! This is so hard to try and concentrate and talk! I guess he wants me off for at least two weeks.

"Um....Swine flu."

"Ok, but hey just call me when your gonna go in, see ya," Lisa hung up before I could say anything else and I smiled feeling Clide's lips still tracing kisses on my neck. Clide spun me around in his arms and looked into my eyes before he placed a kiss on my lips. Well that answers all my worries. My arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to me. "Hmm, we've still got half an hour before it turn nine," Clide said pulling away from my lips, I looked up at him confused until I remembered. I still had some fun to get done.

I smiled up at him and reached up placing another kiss on his lips. "So....what you wonna do?" I asked playing dumb, "You're really something," Clide said placing yet another kiss down on my lips. Clide's hands travelled down my back gripping my bum, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist and pull slightly on his hair. I bit down on his bottom lip asking for entrance but he wouldn't give it to me, I bit down again and he still wouldn't, I felt him smirk against my lips and I was about to pull away when he finally opened. I deepened the kiss and Clide started moving down the corridor to the bedroom.

Ok now this really is just causing a heart attack to hit sooner rather than later. I mean the guy I like, like's me back!! Clide opened the bedroom door and laid me down on the bed with him on top. As Clide pulled his lips away from mine, I un-wrapped my legs from around him. He sat up on his elbows evening out his weight on me, and looked down at me. "I think I'll take a shower," I said with a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, "Care to join or are you just gonna stare at me?" Damn! Why did I have to say that, I like him staring at me!

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