Love Is Never Enough, Part 20

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*A/N* I NEED 25 VOTES and 20 COMMENTS for the NEXT CHAPPY!!!!!!

Part 20


"I'm your brother!"


Cassie's P.o.v

"What!?!" me and Haley screamed in unison. The first thing I heard was 'I'm your brother!' from Clide. I had walked in and heard yelling from the living room so like anyone else would do I walked in and just when I opened the door Clide screamed that Haley. I only came back to pack my stuff, if I couldn't be around them then I wanted to be where I was needed and that was at the hospital even if it was dangerous.

"Cassie?" Clide breathed out before running to me and pulling me into his chest. God it felt so right! But he....he cheated on me! I pushed him away with all my might and stepped back before looking at Haley to see her standing there just looking down at the floor with glassy eyes. I looked back up to see Clide looking at me with hurt in his eyes,

"Stay away from me......" I was cut off by Haley running up to Clide and slamming her palm down on his right cheek. OUCH! Is all I have to say! I mean there was a red mark and everything.....but wait, if their brother and sister then.....they've committed incest! But why would she slap him....oh yeah she's just found out that she committed incest whilst he knew all along! God this just get's sicker and sicker! Not to mention the shock from just finding out their related!

Haley pushed Clide back like I had but with anger.

"How could you! You never told me!" She screamed as tears road down her pale cheeks. Clide lifted both his hands up as if to surrender,

"Wait! Look and Haley never did anything I swear! And Haley....." she never let him finish before giving him another shove and causing him to trip backwards over the small tie table. I just looked as he hit his head on the floor. Ok the only reason I'm all worried about him now is because.....he was telling the truth.....I could tell. I shouldn't have run off like that to begin with.......I should have stayed and heard him out instead of jumping to my stupid conclusions.

"You asswhole!" Haley screamed again picking up the vase and holding it above her head ready to let it fall on him. I quickly got my thoughts together and stood in front of him.

"Wow wait! Please....please don't take it out on the furniture! Plus you need him alive in order for him to tell you everything!" I tried to reason with her and it seemed to work. She put the vase down and ran into her big brother's arms.....damn! I've already forgotten his name! Wait....she's got two big brothers now? Ok this is confusing.

I looked behind me at Clide leaning up on his elbows with his hand behind his head and a physical hurt expression on his face. I didn't smile or let the fact that I knew he didn't cheat on me show....he still.....was up close! That counts for something! I swallowed and held my hand out to him. He took it and mouthed a thank you to me but I just flipped him the finger.

I walked over and sat on the sofa watching as Haley sobbed harder into.....BRIAN! That's it! As she sobbed into Brian's chest.....but that didn't last long before she pulled away and gave him a frown.

"You knew too! You shit head!" she screamed shoving him away from her too. I just looked at him as he tried to get closer to her. Ok guys are so stupid when it comes to this! I got up and slowly walked up to Haley spinning her around and bringing her into a hug where she broke down and sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed her back and wiped the hair from her face before leading her upstairs. She may have made me think that Clide broke my heart but she's my mate and that's all that matters now that I know it wasn't really what I thought it was.

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