Love Is Never Enough, Part 17

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Part 17


Clide stopped kissing but our lips where still touching, he let out an annoyed groan as I let out a giggle before getting up off him and brushing myself off. Clide answered the door and I walked out to greet.....HALEY! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Haley!?!" I screeched running over to her and wrapping my arms around her. Only when I pulled away did I realise the terrified look in her eyes. But that didn't stop me from wondering how she found us. Clide said no one knew where we are, so how did Haley?

"Haley how did you found......" she cut me off as she grasped both my shoulders and pushed me back before slamming the door shut with her foot.

"Cassie! need to call your parents!" I just looked at her confused. Ok really need to calm her down. All the thoughts of how she found us drained from my mind and I focused on the heavy breathing Haley in front of me, gripping my shoulders so hard I think her nails cut through my blouse! I rested my hands on her arms and slowly started breathing, she joined in and then let go of my aching shoulders.

"Haley, sit down and.....drink something," Clide said trying to calm her down as he grabbed her arm and slowly walked her into the living room. She sat down on the couch and looked up and Clide narrowing her eyes,

"I'm not a dog Clide!" she warned him. He huffed and walked past me into the kitchen before whispering 'last time I'm nice to her'. I smiled and shook my head to the side before sitting down next to her. Ok back to the real issue on hand. Haley's hair was a mess and I swear she was shaking. I touched her arm lightly before talking.

"Hayley, what's up?"

"You're parents......Keri's gone after them!" My heart just froze in my chest and I felt all the blood drain from my face leaving me pale, numb and weak.

Clide's P.o.v

I walked out the living room into the kitchen and let the cold water tap run. She's gonna kill me when she finds out. I really didn't want to lie to her but she wanted to move where no one would find us, I didn't have that much money to buy a new place! So I got my mate to give me the house since he was selling it. He gave me a bargain and I had to take it. But hey, Kier won't just find us like that, we're safe now. Let's just hope Cassie's forgotten the whole 'how did you find us' thing.

I sighed and grabbed a glass letting the water fill it. The only reason Haley knew where we were was because the friend who gave me the house was her big brother. He's moved to Canada so Haley has to deal with her little brother and mum alone.

I closed the tap and made my back into the living room only to find a very pale and weak looking Cassie staring at nothing and Haley trying to comfort her. I placed the cup down on the table and ran over to her placing one hand on her knee and the other on her back,

"Cassie....." she cut me but still staring at the spot on the floor.

"He's after my mum and dad," she spoke weakly. I looked up to Haley and saw the frightened look over take her again. I mouthed 'talk to you in a minute' to her and she slowly nodded looking down at her hands. I placed my fingers under Cassie's chin and turned her face to look at me. She looked....ill all of a sudden and I felt the anger twitch at the bottom of my stomach, but then I felt hate towards myself......this happened because of me.

"Look he could have gone to your parents to try and see if they where you are," she blinked a few times and I saw the colour return to her face again. She wasn't numb anymore and I let out a sigh as she quickly wrapped her arms around me,

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