Love Is Never Enough, Part 5

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Hi! Ok so I don't have a lot to say apart from the song on here is one of my fav! And the guy is SEXY!! So yeah, plus it does kinda go.....well some of the lyrics anyway. Wow its becoming a habit that I don't have a lot to say! I need to go to the doctor's, lol! Here's part 5!

Part 5


I throw the manual at Clide, "You read, you've done this so you'll be better at reading it," Clide just looked at me with an arched brow and I looked out my window. I guess he must have thought I'd already lost my virginity. Finally after half an hour my cheeks calmed down and a hotel was in view.


We drove into a parking space and Clide and I went to check if they had any available rooms. Wow! This hotel is gonna cost A LOT! It was at least three buildings joined together and the outside was a rich brown with the latter's, 'J&H' written across it in silver. Clide opened one of the doors for me and we walked into a.......WOW! It's huge! There were at least five chandeliers in just the reception area. The floor was carpeted with red and there were black leather couches in every area that had a waiting station.

We reached the rounded table and my eyes wondered to the gold elevator. PING, and old man and woman just came out shooting us dirty looks. I averted my eyes back to the pretty woman behind the desk. She was at least twenty five with long blond hair and deep green eyes. She wore a black pencil skirt with a black long sleeved top. "How can I help you sir?" she asked looking at Clide, huh, by the end of this trip she's have 'gotten to know him' plus why the hell would she take any notice of the girl STANDING NEXT TO HIM!?!

"Um, well do you have any available rooms for four people?" the receptionist or whatever she was looked down at her computer and started typing. She looked back up at us and used a fake 'sad' voice, "I'm afraid we don't, but we do have a free penthouse and you can stay for at least two weeks," HOLY MONEY OF HACK! I looked at Clide with my eyes widened and then he pulled out his wallet. WTF!?! Is he insane! How the fuck is he gonna pay for that! He gave the woman his credit card.....well his mum's card and she did the rest. "Thank you very much, and anything you need just ring, here's your key sir," Ok now I really want to punch her face in!

We walked back out to get the other guys and I slapped Clide's arm. "Are you insane!?! How the hell is your mum gonna react?!" he stopped walking and turned to look at me, "She won't, she doesn't care, I thought you of all people would know that," he walked off to the others and I sighed feeling real shitty now. It's true, Clide's mum is the same as mine, she's never home except its worse she doesn't come to visit, so most of the time Clide stays at mine.

They started taking bags up and I grabbed two suitcases and followed them to the elevator. As we were waiting a kinda old but young man came and well offered to take our bags up for us. We dropped the bags and Shannon tossed him her car keys. We got into the elevator which had those mirrors all around it. Finally the door opened and we all went quiet with our mouths wide open. IT'S FUCKING HUGE! Every room was just.....WOW! The balcony wasn't one of those small ones; it had those summer chairs and small little tree things near the corners.

And boy was it art deco with all the colours, but kinda more modern. We all walked in and Haley went well you can imagine. "OH.MY.GOD!" Tom came from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifted her up in the air spinning her around. Once we all got over the sock the unpacking began. I finished putting all my clothes away in, yep the walk in wardrobe! I sat on the double bed hating the fact that Clide had to pay all of this by himself. I got up and walked two doors down to him. I knocked on the door lightly, "Come in!" I walked in and closed the door behind me.

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