•Chapter 8•

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After two more days of you being unconscious, Shadow was thinking about how you would react to him saving you from losing your life.

•Time Skip•

Three hours into the third day you finally woke up very weary of everything.

You rubbed your eyes trying to adjust to your surroundings. After a couple minutes your eyes adjusted and you realized you were in your room on your bed. You scanned yourself seeing bandages around your wrist.

You jumped hearing the sound of the door opening. You turned you head knowing who that person is...


He walked over to you and stood two feet away from you. You looked at him nervously and just looked down. He stared at you and shook his head when he finally spoke up.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"M-much better thanks to you... " You said weakly.

It was silent for a minute until you spoke up once more.

"Why did you help me?" You asked.

He looked at you and walked up to you, to the point where he was in front of your face.

"Because your my only way of getting back.. " He said slightly annoyed.

Your cheeks started to heat up due to how close he was to your face.

He cleared his throat and backed away looking at you.

"Get some sleep we have to keep looking for those emeralds tomorrow. " He said as he left.

You sat there with your head low and your cheeks still a bit flushed. You had to admit the edgy little hedgie that was in your house was a bit cute in a way.

You shook your head out of your thoughts and laid back down on your pillow and stared at the ceiling, thinking about how horrible your life will be when he leaves.

You laid there for a good couple hours until you fell asleep.

•Time Skip•

You woke up to the sun shining through your curtains in your room. You squinted your eyes and shook your head. Finally your eyes popped open and you sat up still a bit sleepy.

You got up and came out of your room and went to the kitchen. You started to make coffee and while you were waiting you looked towards the window and saw a shadow that was there then gone in an instant.

"What in the world..." You thought.


~•Shadow the hedgehog x Depressed Reader•~✔Where stories live. Discover now