•Chapter 11•

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" We're gonna have to kill her. She know to much about us. " Shadow said while looking at Sonic.

As you heard that last sentence that Shadow said you backed up and silently ran back to your room.

"Come on Shadow, we can't kill her." Sonic said trying to get Shadow to rethink his decision.

"Okay then what would you do if she told someone that we are here, there either gonna think she's crazy or they'll come finds us. " Shadow finished while folding his arms.

"True. But Shadow she doesn't look like a person who would do that, like you said before she has no family, no friends, nothing. Her life is miserable as it is. " Sonic replied.

Shadow looked at the blue hedgehog and shook his head.

"All right fine fine, we'll let her live, but that's only if she doesn't give up again. " Shadow said while looking away.

Sonic looked at him surprised of what he had said.

"What do you mean by 'give up again'?" Sonic asked in a worried tone.

Shadow looked at him again and sighed.

"She cuts her wrist to deep sometimes she loses consciousness." He said while closing his eyes.

Sonic stared at him in shock of how a girl like you would wanna kill themselves.

•Back with you•

You sat there on your bed, staring blankly at the floor. As you had thought about what Shadow had said about using you then killing you.

As you heard the front door open and close meaning the to hedgehogs were back inside and done talking. You started to become nervous as you heard heavy foot steps nearing towards your room.

You took a deep breath in and got up. As you got up there was a knock on the door.

"Hey (Y/N) can we talk..? " Sonic asked.

You ignored him and just grabbed your empty coffee cup. As you opened the door and see the the blue hedgehog there, you walk past him, not even giving him the slightest look.

You took you coffee cup in the kitchen sink and washed it. Once you were done you turned around to emerald green eyes.

"You heard didn't you?" Sonic asked while looking at you.

As you were about to walk past the hedgehog once more, he stopped you from moving by pulling you into a warm embrace.

"We're not going to hurt you (Y/N), I promise." He said while looking down and hugging you tighter.

After what seemed like and hour Sonic finally let go of you. He looked at you and gave you a toothy grin. But it soon dropped when he noticed your head was turned the other way and you clutching your arm, wincing.

He grabbed your arm and pulled up your sleeve. His face filled with happiness soon filled with worry.

He stared blankly at your arm filled with dozens and dozens of cuts. Some bleeding and some with dried up blood. He looked up at you and noticed that you were crying.

You pulled your arm back and ran back to your room, not knowing a certain black hedgehog noticed what you hide under all the sweaters you wear.

" That's why she's never open to me.... She's afraid." Shadow thought to himself.


~•Shadow the hedgehog x Depressed Reader•~✔Where stories live. Discover now