•Chapter 25•

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"What are we gonna do with you (Y/N)?" Sonic whispered under his breath.

As Sonic kept stroking your hair he couldn't help put smile at the thought of you and Shadow being together. Sonic chuckled softly at that thought he had, no way Shadow would ever agree to be with a girl. Sonic sighed and layer down on your bed next to you, and draped his arm over you to pull you closer to him.

•Time Skip to the middle of the night•

Shadow walked inside the house and closed the door quietly not wanting to wake you up. As he walked inside the house, he expected to see Sonic asleep on the couch but to his surprise, he wasn't there. Shadow sighed in relief and started to walk towards your room. But as he inched closer to your room, he noticed and heard soft snores coming from your room.

Shadow slowly opened your room and looked at your bed. What he saw made him feel jealous and a bit mad. Shadow looked at Sonic and huffed. Shadow held himself back from pulling him out from the bed and dragging him outside. But even though he wanted to drag him out of that bed, he didn't do it for the sake of you. Shadow huffed again and walked out of the room.

•Time Skip to the morning•

Shadow sat alone in the quiet and lifeless living room, thinking about what he had saw last night.  Even though Shadow shouldn't really care about what that faker or even you, do when he's not around. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous at the memory that flashed back into his mind. Seeing Sonic in the bed with you and having is arm draped around you as well, made him feel jealous in a way he couldn't describe. Shadow huffed and stood up to walk outside. He stood there on the porch, in the coolness of the morning air thinking about all that has happened in his time here.

•With you and Sonic•

You started to shift a little bit, waking up from your peaceful sleep that you had. But as you tried to sit up, you found two peach colored arms wrapped around your waist holding you down. At first you didn't think much of it but as you thought about it more carefully, you realized that Sonic was on your bed sound asleep. You tried to think back on what had happened the day before but as you dug deeper and deeper into your mind you couldn't remember what had happened.

You slowly freed yourself from Sonic's grasp and got off of your bed, trying not to make to much movement as to wake the sleeping hedgehog. As you finally achieved to get off the bed you couldn't help but think.

"Why Was Sonic laying down and asleep next to me..?" You thought to yourself.

•Tiny Time Skip•

As you had finally gotten out of the room, without making any noise, you decided to make yourself a cup of coffee. But as of right now you were worried about Shadow, you hadn't seen him in a while and haven't heard from him either.

You heard the timer for your coffee go off and jumped at the noise. A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you grabbed a cup and poured some coffee inside of it. You thought to yourself for a moment before actually doing anything.

"Hm... It seems like a nice day to sit on the porch and drink some coffee... Hmm what the hell.. " You thought as you started to walk towards your front door.

As you turned the knob to open the door, you couldn't help but feel a bit strange. But you shook off the feeling and opened the door anyways. As you opened the door you saw a certain hedgehog standing on the porch with his arms folded and inhaling the fresh cold air.

You looked at him for a while until he noticed you.

"Well... I see your finally up.." Shadow said coldly.

"Yeah.. " You replied.

You got up the courage to walk up next to him and actually stand beside him.

"H-hey Shadow..? " You asked a bit nervous.

"Hm..? What is it..? " Shadow snarled not even giving you the slightest look.

You paused for a moment before continuing on with your question.

"Can you tell me what happened last night... Because I can't remember anything past me and you talking on the gazebo." You said taking a sip from your coffee and exhaling.

Shadow mentally sighed to himself and shook his head slightly.

"You fainted for some reason I don't even know about... " Shadow said with his eyes closed.


~•Shadow the hedgehog x Depressed Reader•~✔Where stories live. Discover now