•Chapter 14•

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"It's okay.. We'll protect you.. Do you trust me?" Sonic said in a soothing voice.

You nodded your head slightly, still shaking in fear of what had just happened. You put your head on Sonic's shoulder and started to calm down a bit.

Sonic looked at you and rubbed your back and stroked your hair. Sonic rested his chin on your head and closed his eyes.

Shadow looked at you both and tilted his head slightly, looking at the two figures in front of him. Shadow couldn't bring himself to admit it but, the edgy hedgie was jealous from the sight in front of him.

Shadow wondered what it would be like to hold someone in a warm embrace like that. He took one more look at the sight before him, before leaving out the door, jealousy in his mind.

Sonic opened his eyes and noticed Shadow had walked out. As he was about to move he felt your breath lightly on his neck. Then he realized you had fallen asleep on him.

Sonic picked you up and put you down on the bed. He tucked you in and looked at the door to make sure Shadow wasn't there. He sighed and gave you a small little peck on the forehead. Little did he know a certain black hedgehog was watching him.

As Sonic was turning to leave, Shadow teleported back to the living room on the couch. He herd Sonic closed the door and walk toward the living room. Sonic looked at Shadow and Shadow did the same.

"She fell asleep so she should be good the rest of the night." Sonic told Shadow.

Shadow stood up and walked towards Sonic.

"Good.. " Was all Shadow said before walking outside and standing on the porch.

Sonic watched him and followed him.

"Okay what's wrong with you? " Sonic asked giving a bit of attitude.

All that was heard was a 'hmph' coming from Shadows mouth.

"Shadow....do you.." Sonic asked while starting to grin.

Shadow looked at Sonic with a slight dust of red in his cheeks.

"Oh..my..god.. Shadow you like her don't you?" Sonic said while smirking.

Shadow turned his head fast and folded his arms while making another noise. Sonic put his arm on Shadows shoulder and smiled smugly at him.

"So a...you think she's cute?" Sonic asked while chuckling slightly.

Shadow pushed him and walked off the porch. He stood there looking up at the night sky. As Shadow looked up at the sky, the stars reminded him of your sparkling (E/C). He blushed a bit at the thought of your face. He pushed his thoughts aside and noticed Sonic standing next to him.

"Yup you like her.." Sonic said while nudging him.

"Shut the hell up.." Shadow said while walking away from the house.

Sonic looked at Shadow and smiled.

"Yup he likes her." Sonic said while going back inside the house.


~•Shadow the hedgehog x Depressed Reader•~✔Where stories live. Discover now