Horrifying memories and infinite love gone wrong?

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"Iris come on we have to go!" A boy not much older then iris cried grabbing her by her little hand. "No! She's my best friend she needs me!" Iris cried struggling to get out of her brothers grasp. "It's to late for her we need to go right now!" The boy screamed picking sherry up bridal style and running her out of the house. "Get back here you worthless piece of sh*t!" A man voice boomed throughout the hallway as they continued to make there escape.

"IRIS HELLL-P-" A tiny voice screamed from a distance making a chill run up sherry's spine. "Jessie! JESSIE!" Iris cried wanting badly to go back and save her friend from a certain death that awaited her.

"Come on iris if we don't get outta here we'll never have a chance to save jessie!" Aaron replied back looking down on me as we continued to run.

"But aaron what's going to happen to her?! It's all my fault daddy told me not to bring anyone here and- and now.." "Ssh it's okay we're gonna be okay." We finally reached the door that contained our freedom or so we thought.

The door was locked.

"Sh!t dad must've locked it from the outside-" "That's right." A cold dark voice sounded from behind us, we turned around to face our dad.

Our dad was a scary looking man, his eyes were a bluish grey color, his face was as of a ghost, his hair was dark brown only because some blood had gotten into it and dyed it that way. And his lips were those of a sneaky fox closing in on they're target.

"Where did you think you were gonna go?" Dad laughed mischieviously clutching that dagger in his hands firmly prepared to strike at anything..and anyone.

"Where's-where's-my friend?" i found my voice suprised at my own words.

"You mean that little tramp? Well..she's gonna be asleep..for quite awhile..but it's okay while she's sleeping she said we can play a game of hidden treasure." Dad said smiling a amused scary smile.

"H-Hidden treasure?" I spoke back kind of shaky looking up to aaron realizing his face was almost as pale as dads.

"Yes sweetie hidden treasure she knows how much you like that game, so she voluntered to be the treasure so that's why we're gonna bury her body- i mean her in the backyard until the police come- i mean until she wakes up. Then we can play a game of scuba diving."

"Scuba-scuba diving?"

"Yes sweetie scuba diving we're gonna put jessie in the river and she's gonna go down and become a mermaid and live in the ocean the rest of her life." Dad spoke chuckling a little to himself.

"B-but humans can't become mermaids and the can't breathe under water!" I said questioning dads answer.

"Well jessie doesn't have to worry about breathing any more i took care of that.. now let's go play treasure shall we?"

Dad said coming towards me and aaron with the knife.

*End of flashback*

I woke my breathing heavy and shaky quickly scanning the room and finally gathered up my surroundings when i heard a voice next to me.

"iris are you alright?" Marshall spoke glancing away from his note book looking at me worriedly.

"Huh oh yes i'm fine just a umm nightmare." I lied looking away from his eyes.

"You've been having a lot of those lately..maybe i should call off work and spend the day with you." Marshall spoke wrapping his arms around my waste turning my head back towards him.

"No really i'm okay just probably stress from my writers block i can't quite come up with a good song." I lied again, actually i've come up with a lot of songs..but none of them are really good unless you plan on attending a funeral.

"Well maybe i could help, Dre wouldn't mind if i stayed, Hey maybe we could even collab ya know?"

"No!" i snapped back at a irritated tone.

Marshall jaw slightly agaped before his eye brows furrowed in a angry hurt kind of way.

"Well all f'kin righty then." Marshall said getting up putting his black t shirt on and his brown cargo shorts.

"Marshall i didn't mean it like that...i would love to work with you. Just now is-"

"Not the time" Marshall turned to me completing my sentence. " I know - i know you've said that a billion time already."

"I'm sorry.." I said quietly looking down advoiding his eyes afraid of what i might see..hurt anger..betrayal..

"Look, i gotta go meet up with 50 catcha later aight?" Marshall said grabbing his beats head phones and keys walking steadily out the door.

"Yeah..see you later.."

Marshall nodded and began walking out the door.

"Love you!" i called out before he could get down the stairs.

There was no response.

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