The ultimate walk of shame

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I finally arrived to rachels party just in time to see kim kardashian and kanye west entering with cameras flashing all around them. Great if marshall hadn't of been such a idiot that could've been us stealing the limelight but of course that wasn't the case.

I made my way to the front door (alone) and got approved by the big scary security guard who gave off the vibe that said Please don't piss me off tonight. 

I finally entered the hotel and made my way to the dance room where women and men were either drinking dancing or flirting some even going to an extreme and making out in the corner of the room.

"Iris!" A voice yelled out gaining my attention.

"Iris hey girl you made it!" Sammy pratically wobbled over to me. God the party just started and she's already off the deep end. Why am i best friends with her again..?

"Hey Sammy where's rachel?" I spoke grabbing a hold of her arm for she wouldn't fall down and make an even bigger fool of herself.

"Rachel? Rachel...OH RACHEL! Yeah uh she's been looking for you she's outside where the hot tubs are last time i checked she was dancing with some cutie." Sammy cackled.

"Do you know what she wanted?"

"Uhh no but-OOH WAITER OVER HERE!" Sammy fiercley wobbled her arms around trying to get his attention.


"Just a minute iris-WAITER I NEED MORE VISCOTI IN MY GLASS!" Sammy yelled.

The waiter finally made his way over here looking beet red. Poor boy.

"I'm sorry miss what would you like?" The waiter was obviously embarassed that he just got flagged down especially since the head manager was right behind him.

"Viscoti on the rocks please gee what does it take to get some good service around here!? I thought this was a 5 star hotel?" Sammy angrily spoke her voice raising gathering attention from almost everybody.

"Oh yes this is a 5 star hotel! I really am sorry miss.." The poor boy nervously spoke filling sammys glass with some more viscoti.

Sammy rolled her eyes and then left going over to some guys who also didn't want her over there...I couldn't blame em.

"I'm sorry please excuse my friend sammy she can be a bit cruel when she's drunk." I went in my purse and gave the waiter a 50 dollar tip.

"Oh thank you!" The waiter smiled quickly putting the money in his pocket and making an exit to go serve some more party guest.

Well guess it's up to me to find the party girl.

I asked around and someone was sober enough to show me where the hot tubs were located outside. I made my way through some people and finally found rachel making out with some guy in the hot tub.

"Hey birthday girl!" I yelled through the music and screaming.

Rachel finally broke the kiss between the unknown man and climbed out of the pool.

"Iris hey!" Rachel squealed engulfing me in a hug which i returned.

"Hey you wanted to see me?" 

"Yeah come with me to the bathroom." Rachel waved off the mystery man and i followed her to the bathroom and not just any bathroom the bathroom that was on the top floor absolutely no one was allowed to be up here well for except rachel.

"Rachel why are we up here?"

"Because i wanted to talk to you completely alone kay?" Rachel spoke kinda nervously.

"Rachel what is going on?" Kay this is so unlike rachel she never gets worried about anything i mean one time we got locked inside the mall and she managed to keep calm through it all. I mean malls are pretty scary at night i was freaking out.

"Okay you know that guy i was lip wrestling  with back there?" Rachel bit her lip almost to the point she drew blood.

"Yeah...?" i raised an eyebrow trying to prepare myself for whatever she was about to tell me.

"Well we're engaged!" Rachel smiled.

"What...?" My eyes went as big as saucers.

"Okay i know this is suprising but we met a month ago his name is Ryan Pierce-"


"Daddy i don't understand why i have to play hidden treasure in the backyard." I spoke tears filling my face.

"Because your friend wants to play she told me, so now stay here with my pal ryan while i go and get the shovel for we can begin to play alright sweetie?" Dad spoke giving me a evil type of grin.

I nodded my head. "Yes..daddy."

"Good girl, RYAN get your azz over here and watch her make sure she doesn't go any where got it!?" The man yelled at a tall but handsom young man who looked like he could be in  late teens or early 20s.

"Alright Joseph what do you want me to do with the other kid?" Ryan spoke turning over towards aaron who was knocked out cold and gagged.

"Just leave him i'll deal with the boy later." joseph spoke going inside leaving only me and the boy named ryan.

"Hey little girl." Ryan spoke brushing some hair out of my paled face.

"Hi.." I spoke turning away from him, only for him to grab my arm and yank me down towards the bed.

"Your a pretty little girl aren't you?" 

I tried to wiggle my little wrist out of his but to no avail. "Let go! DADDY!" i screamed.

"Aw daddys not here sweetie but that's okay i am." Ryan spoke inching closer towards me.

"AARON!" i screamed.

"Don't think he can hear you either...hey how about we play a game!" Ryan smiled.

"A game?" I whimpered.

"Yeah a game it's called don't tell anyone."

"Don't tell anyone what?" I whispered letting the tears fall.

"You'll see.." 



I quickly snapped out of my dazed expression to see rachel looking at me with a concerned face. "I'm sorry i must've spaced out what were we talking about again?" I asked my voice kinda shaky.

"My engagement?" Rachel eyed me, worry still left in her eyes.

"Oh yeah so who is he?"

"Yeah his name is Ryan Pierce he's a little bit older then me but i really feel like i connect to him ya know?" Rachel was beaming so loud i think i should've worn sunglasses.

Ryan pierce...he couldn't be the that's not possible the ryan pierce i knew went to jail for 25 to life there's no way...wait a minute..i'm 30..the accident happened when i was 5...there's no way in hell...

"Rachel! Just how much older is this guy?" I knew she could hear the fear in my voice but if she knew what i knew she'd be just as scared.

"Oh not that much...about..uhhh 17 18 years..." I almost fainted at this point ryan would be about 48 or 49 now!

"Where did you meet him!?"

"We met at starbucks you see i was ordering a mocha latte and we accidentally bumped into eachother every since then we've be talking and i really am starting to love him. Why are you freaking out about this?"

"Rachel i don't think you should go off marrying someone you just met a month ago!" I warned hoping she'd understand i'm trying to look out for her.

"Well i really love him plus.." Rachel looked down.

Oh boy what is it now?

"What?" desperation and curiosity completely filling my voice.

"Iris i'm pregnant."

Dun Dun Dun!! Hey guys i finally updated this stoy i think i'm going to add one more chapter tonight luv u guys bye! <3

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