Stop crying your heart out part 2 (Headlights and living on prayers)

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" aaron dead?" I spoke sadness filling my voice

"I don't know.." He spoke back in a tired groggy kinda voice that i use to find so attractive..well still do.



"I just wanted to let you know that i'm like extremely sorry. I never meant to shut you out or lie to you i was just scared-and i didn't know what to do..and-"

"Iris this is not your fault." Marshall suddenly spoke.

I sighed " Yes it is! i've ruined what was supposed to be a happy marriage with all of my lies and secrets."

"Iris if you hadn't noticed our marriage wasn't going right way before this happened." Marshall spoke with a tinge of regret in his voice.

" I know..wait a minute..didn't my grandmother say you were gonna kill me!?" I suddenly remembered what my grandmother had said right before she tied us up.

I felt marshall tense.

"Iris..before you blow up and i know you will.. i just wanna say that this is all kims fault." Marshall bluntly said.

"Kim? What does kim have to do with you trying to kill me!?" I suddenly yelled.

"Turns out she's been working with your crazy psychotic uncle! She was gonna kill you and take your billions but when she didn't ryan told me to kill you or else he would kill whitney and nathan!" Marshall spoke sounding pissed.

"Wait a mintue..he has whitney and nathan too!?" i gasped.

"Yes iris that's why we gotta get outta here!" Marshall yelled while trying to wiggle his hands free from our bindings. "Iris look they're starting to come loose!"

I wiggled my hands too and suprisingly both my hands became unbined.

"Oh! I'm free! Well thank God my grandmothers an awful tier! Now all i gotta do is free my feet and-"

Suddenly i heard a car door shut from the basements window and i wondered just who it could be.

"Iris quick! Put your hands back together."

I quickly put my hands behind my back just before somebody opened the door.


Kims P.o.v

"Here we are..rachel you wait here." I spoke gazing up at my ex mother in laws house.

"Okay be careful." Rachel spoke gazing around the neighborhood looking kinda nervous. I guess rachels never had to live in a neighborhood like this as a child so i can see why she looked kinda pale even in the moonlights tone.

I exited the car and made my way to debbies porch of course it took 5 knocks before she finally answered the door.

"Kim?" Debbie spoke.

I took a moment to examine her and my God did she look terrible. She was wearing a fuzzy tan robe her hair was pinned up in some kinda bun. She had bags under her eyes. Her lipstick was a faded pink. And you could pratically taste the tequila and cigarettes that cascaded in the air of her living room.

But besides the smell. Debbies living room was like a museum and the main display were of her two sons and her little brother ronnie who all at some point left her. So many pictures aligned the wall, each held it's own memory of something happy or tragic. But each picture also  told a story a story of pain, love, and something else abuse? 

"Debbie i need your help." I spoke solemly

"Of course what's going on? Are my sons hurt?" Debbie spoke seeming guinely concerned for her kids health.

"No, but they might be if i don't go and help them..debbie do you still have your guns that T gave you?"

"Yeah they're in my basement with all the other stuff i don't need upstairs." I nodded and made my way towards the basement.


Ryans p.o.v

"It's about time you got here." A voice spoke while entering my car.

"Sorry but it's kinda difficult to get some where fast on such short notice." I spoke bluntly towards my brother.

"How about you shut that mouth of yours and tell me what the plan is." Joseph spoke grabbing a cigarette and a cigarette lighter and lighting it taking a few puffs of smoke.

"Easy we kill everyone and take the money..i mean for Gods sake how hard is it to kill an old lady and her dixie ass granddaughter. Joseph gave a raspy chuckle.

"You do realize your talking about your daughter right..?" I spoke glancing over in his direction.

"I never considered that whore to be my keep your eyes on the damn road i just got outta prison i don't need to end up in the hospital to."

"But what if the government finds out that still alive what about our billions?" I asked slowing the car down to stop at a red light. 

Joseph coughed or should i say hacked a few times before answering. "Doesn't matter if she's still alive she wasn't in the will therefore it shouldn't matter if the government finds out or not."


"No buts now shut the hell up and go the lights green."

I sighed and stepped on the gas.


Hey guys thanks for reading this story. I think i know what i'm gonna do for  the sequel! So stay tuned for that as we finish up this chapter in the saga and go for the next one.

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