Stop crying your heart out part 3 (Reaching the end game)

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"Iris?" The voice whispered.

I recognized that voice from anywhere.

"Jaron?" I smiled a little.

"Auntie Iris!" Jaron spoke running towards me engulfing me in an awkward hug do to me and marshalls bindings.

"Oh My God jaron you're alright! Where's your mom?!" I  exclaimed looking at my teenage nephew  closely.

"Your crazy grandmother tied me up and took my mom some where with her! Can you please tell me what the heck is going on!" Jaron spoke obviously terrified.

'I'll explain later jaron, but first get these bindings off of me and your uncle marshall, i got the hand bindings off mine but i still need my feet loose."

"Okay i'll just use the knife i got my bindings off with." Jaron pulled out a pocket knife and quickly undid me and marshalls bindings.

"Hey where'd you get that knife?" Marshall spoke.

"Oh well my mom gave it to me in case of emergencies i never thought i'd actually have to use it though." Jaron sighed putting the knife back in his pocket. "So what's the plan? I mean i'm sure one of you must have a plan."

Me and marshalls both looked at each other warily.

"I think i might have an idea." Marshall spoke gaining both of our up most attention.

"Okay you know how i agreed to well kill you in order to save nathan and whitney?" Marshall spoke.

I shook my head yeah.

"Okay well when ryan comes back i pretend to hold you hostage and well point the gun towards you like i'm on his side. While ryan is distracted with what i'm doing jaron you'll be searching for your mom,nathan and whitney i know they're someone in this house because ryan doesn't seem like the type of person to handle people or children."

Okay so far this plan seemed like it could work..

"Wait, what if my grandmother or kim comes back before ryan then what do we do?" I asked.

"Easy we take the crazy old golddigging slut down. As for kim i think she's on our side." Marshall spoke sounding confident in what he was saying.

"Why do you think that?" Suspicion was probably written all over my face but honestly i didn't care why would marshall be trusting kim after everything he did to him well us? Is he gonna leave me for her? Uhhgg snap out of it iris this is no time to be thinking of that.

"Because ryan backstabbed her and kidnapped our kid i mean she told me to go ahead and follow ryans orders to kill you but it also looked like she was giving me a choice and that she really didn't care. I don't know where she went but i have a good feeling she'll be back." Marshall spoke looking at me to see if i trusted his words.

"Iris you trust me don't you?" I looked at marshall and i could tell he was honestly telling the truth not a single glimpse of deception filled those eyes of his.

I Gave a short smile "Yeah well i married you didn't i? So yeah...i trust you."

Marshall gave  me a short smirk then nodded.


Rachels p.o.v

God what was taking kim so long?

*Bzzz* *Bzzz*

Unknown: Rachel is everything okay?

Me: Yeah everythings going just fine kim is in the house getting the weapons as we speak how is everything on your side?

Unknown: Just fine i'll text you later when we're ready c u.

Me: Kay i gtg kims coming back.

End of conversation

"Okay i'm back..who was that on the phone?" Kim asked putting the weapons in the back seat.

"Oh just a friend wanting to know how i was doing..don't worry i didn't tell them what was happening." I smiled

"Okay..well let's go the quicker we get back the quicker we can end this whole thing." Kim spoke starting the car.

"Yeah." I smiled placing my phone in my pocket.

Let's end this..


Okay everything is planned out! But will it work? Find out next time 2 more chapters left i believe :)

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