Painful Actions and the cold hearted truth.

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Me and aaron slowly entered the house only to be met with the smell of mold and dust. But the visual sight was so much worse. Which was once my living room was nothing but ripped up walls and a dusty old couch that has definitely seen better days. And a table that had some reasonly drunk whiskey lying on it.

"Where do you think they are?" Aaron whispered.

I shrugged my shoulders as we kept exploring our old run down house.

Until we heard some footsteps that seemed to be coming upstairs from the basement.

"Quick the curtains!" Aaron whispered frantically pulling me into the long draped down curtains that made a perfect hiding place.

I decided to peak out and suddenly saw a figure all dressed in black clutching his gun.

Is that ryan? Couldn't be ryans taller than that..

Marshalls p.o.v

I know i heard somebody come in here but who? Iris? Please tell me it's not iris because if it is..

I turned my gaze from the door to the windows and decided to look out.

Iris p.o.v

"Oh no..he's coming towards the windows!" I silently thought trying to stand as still  as possible. Which was really hard to do considering my heart is beating a mile a minute.

Suddenly the man was pratically right next to me all he had to do was turn to the right and he would see me for sure.

I squinted my eyes to see if i could get a better visual of the man i mean it was really dark in here and the only thing that made me even remotely see was the street lights that shined from the old windows.

As he stepped a little more into the light i began to see a face that made my heart stop all together.

"Marshall?" I breathed out.

Marshalls p.o.v

"Marshall?" A voice breathed out from the curtains. i turned my head and immediately saw  the one person i never wanted to see again.


"Marshall!" she jumped out of the curtains and straight into my arms. I felt myself tense at her touch and i guess she felt it to.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?" I saw her emotions change from happy to utter despair. And i suddenly couldn't look at her face anymore it was making me feel sick. Just the thought of me hurting her...


*Fashback from 5 years earlier*

"Yo doody!" Proof smiled coming up to embracing me in one of our man hugs.

"Hey man whaddup? Where's sharonda?" I asked as we both started walking down the sidewalk to get to proofs moms house we called her "T" 

T was like the mother of our group she was always cooking us food giving us advice and treating us like we were her sons and daughters.

"Oh you know good and well where she at. Somewhere shopping her ass off with yo girlfriend iris." I smirked at his comment.

"What you think they shopping for?" I asked proof while taking my shirt off to avoid the hot weather.

"If we're lucky some lingerie." me and proof broke out laughing at that statement.

"Yeah hopefully."

"So Em when you gone pop the question man?" Proof asked in a sudden serious tone.

I sighed a shrugged my shoulders "I don't know man."

"For real man? Yall have been together for 2 years."

"Damn doody why da hell you bringing this up anyway?" I said kinda pissed off.

"Because  i haven't seen you connect this much with a girl since kim man i want you to be happy." Proof spoke in a stern but friendly type of voice.

"You really think i should propose?" I asked turning to proof he gave me one of his funny grins.

"Hell yeah!"

I rolled my eyes as we continued to walk down 8 mile towards T's


"Marshall?" her voice suddenly snapped me back to reality. "I came to get you outta here! C'mon we need to go!" Iris spoke trying to pull me with her but i wasn't budging.

Suddenly another person stepped out from the curtains.

"Iris who the hell is that?" I asked watching her confused reaction.

"Oh! that's my brother...or should i say's a long story but we need to leave now!" Iris said once again trying to pull me along with her.

"I can't." I spoke coldness i didn't even know existed in me started to flare.

"What? why not?" Iris spoke her smile starting to turn into a concerned expression.

I turned my gaze away from her an to the floor then to my gun.

I love iris with all my heart. She's one of the best friends i've ever had besides proof. And i know things hasn't been easy for us lately but could i actually kill her? My mind flashed back to my brother and whitney and my confusion was suddenly cleared. And i realized something i wish  hadn't. There was no choice. If i didn't kill her whitney and nathan would surely die. But if i did kill her...

"Marshall i don't understand..what's going on!" Iris suddenly yelled fear and sadness filling her voice.

"Iris.." I felt myself reach for the gun and then a voice behind me yelled out.

From there everything happened in complete slow mo.

I grabbed the gun.

I turned around.

Aaron leapt at me..







more silence


"OH MY GOD AARON!"  Iris screamed at the top of her lungs running directly towards aarons fallen body.

I stood in complete shock staring at my gun that killed aaron..only to realize i wasn't the one who shot him.

"Well..Well Well...what do we have here?" A womans voice spoke.

Iris p.o.v

All i remember is seeing marshall reach for his gun and then bang. next thing i knew aaron was falling down to the ground. I quickly ran towards him shouting his name until i heard a familiar voice.

"Well..Well Well...what do we have here?" 

Me and marshal both turned our heads to the voice and at that moment i felt all the color just drain out of me and a sick wave of nausea swept over me like sand.

" can't can't be the one behind all this...NO!" I felt myself start crying. How could she of all people do this to me!?


Oh God what has happened!? Who's the person who's been behind this thing thing from the beginning!? Find out in the next chapter lovelies <3

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