Heartwrenching conclusions

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I decided to leave michigan and go all the way to my grandmothers house in california. It took me a day and a half to get there but i really didn't care i needed to escape marshall and him. 

I finally turned to my grandmothers steet and pulled up into her castle. And the reason i say castle is beause her house was literally a fricking castle! You see my grandmother (from my deceased mothers side) was a millionair she owned so much land and had her own 5 star restaurant. But my mother and grandmother never really got along so my mother moved out and eventually met the man (my father) who would eventually kill her and drag me and my brother aaron life into a living hell.

I started to get out the car but heard my phone beeping. Great another 5 text from marshall.

Message #1"Iris where the hell are you? Look i'm sorry for what happened aight? Would you please reply back? Our kids are worried about you!"


Message #3 "IRIS IT'S BEEN 16 HOURS I KNOW YOUR NOT THAT MAD, look i'ma be at da studio if you wanna stop being a hardazz and reply back."

Message #4 "Iris this is nathan marshall has locked himself in his room and won't talk to anyone plus dre and t.i just came over with a whole lot of alochol. I know your mad at him sis but i really wish you would reply back before marshall drinks himself in a coma. Look me and tammy (nathans 9 month preggy girlfriend) will watch and babysit Whitney until you two get your shiz together.

Message #5  "Iris if you wanna fricking leave me fine. I don't give a shi* anymore. I went to court and got the divorce papers. All i need you to do if sign them. I want you to know you make me sick to my stomach! SO COME GET YOUR WORTHLESS SHI* and get da hell outta my house! Fricking whore!"

The last message tore me to absolute shreds. he's going to divorce me? After everything we've been though he's going to divorce me? I through my phone in my purse got out the car and quickly made my way to my grandmothers front porch. I rang the bell and patiently waited for her to answer.

*Door opens*

"Loo if your here to sell me cookies i already told you i don't want the-Oh my! Iris!?" My grand mother smiled already engulfing me in a tight hug.

"Hey Grandma" I forced a smile on my tear stained face and accepted her hug.

"Iris dear what on earth are you doing here? Please come in." My Grandma guided me in and i entered in complete awe at how beautiful it was on the inside. Beautiful high ceiling with 3 gorgeous living room chairs beautiful walls and paintings and the floors were carpeted in a beautiful design.

"I needed a place to stay." I spoke quitely.

"Oh? I'm guessing things aren't going well with you and your husband? What's his name umm eminem?" Grandma frowned sitting down on the couch drinking a cup of tea her maid (Lisa) must've brought her.

I smiled sadly "Marshall Bruce Mathers III grandma, his rap name is eminem."

"Oh sorry you know my old mind can't keep up with all these peoples names." Grandma laughed.

"Yeah..well me and marshall might get a divorce." i spoke looking down.

"Oh no! No  great grandbabies!?" grandma exclaimed looking shocked.

"Grandma you already have great grandbabies Hailie Alania and Whitney plus my brothers son Jaren."

"Oh sweetie i know i have them but i would like some blood great grandbabies from my iris." Grandma spoke cupping her hand to my cheek.

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