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"I had a grandfather?" I spoke in shock.

"Yes you did he was really nice i met him when you were just 3 your mother took us over for a visit and you two became really close. I guess you were to young to remember it." Aaron sadly smiled.

"Which reminds me if you're my uncle and not my brother why were you living with us?" Aaron gave a small sigh which left me with a very unsettling feeling that i had just talked up another tragic memory.

"Well my mother couldn't handle me as a kid so she gave me over to my brother,your dad." Aaron paused then took a deep breath.

"My brother was nothing but a con artist iris, always looking for ways to screw people and your mother just happened to get screwed both ways..but while he was busy screwing your mom outta money and well sex. He managed to screw himself in the process your mom got pregnant with you. And well everything pretty much went down hill from there. Your father absolutely hated the idea of your mom having a kid and even told her to get an abortion, but of course your mom objected to it and eventually kicked your father out and well kicked ryan right on in, you see your dad always knew your mom was loaded, how i don't know. But i'm guessing someone ordered a hit out on her and my dad quickly took the job and then pulled ryan in which just added more fuel to fire." Aaron sadly explained.

"So whoever killed my mother and tried to kill me was my dads employer?" I asked everything starting to slowly click into place.

"Yes, but even i don't know who could've possibly wanted your mom and you dead so much? I mean how would they benefit from it? I mean the only way they could've got money was if they were blood related to your grandfather or atleast in the family."

I sighed getting up trying to think of just who could possibly want me dead.

"Wait, ryan said something about the money right? Well how is he going to get any money if i'm not dead? I mean he actually had a pretty good opportunity to kill me when we met. So why didn't he?"

Aaron suddenly went into his deep concentration look.

"Well i'm guessing Ryans employer is just going to award him for killing your mom i mean they did get one less person out the way from all those billions..and since your dads got life in prison i guess it wouldn't make sense to give him any money ya know?" Me and aaron both nodded in agreement at this observation but there was still so much we didn't know.

"Iris wait a minute you have an aunt don't ya?"

"Oh you mean miranda? Yeah she's my grandmothers sister she has a kid named jaron which ryan told me he might go after! Oh no."

"Well you better call your aunt and warn her!" Aaron yelled looking worried.

"Alight i-"



My phone started ringing in my hand i quickly picked up the unkown number and answered.

"Hello?" I answered kinda nervous.

"Hello iris." Ryan spoke sounding a lot more happy and psychotic.

"Uhh hi..are you high?" I know that was a bold question to ask but he sounded way to enthusiatic.

"Nope, just happy that i finally got the chance to meet the greatest rapper alive even though i still wonder why in the world he chose you for a wife i personally think he could do way better than marrying a orphaned hood rat.

 I could feel my heartbeat shoot through the roof, "Where's my husband!? Where's marshall!? What did you do to him!?" Aaron stood up behind me trying to listen in.

Ryan ignored my questions and began to laugh "Oh he's fine but soon he won't be if you don't get your ass down here in the next 43 minutes."

"Why!? For you can kill me!" I screamed.

"Sweetie, killing you is the last thing to do on my list..just get down here."

I scoffed at his bitter blunt statement. "Alright uncle ryan" I could've sworn i head him growl at that statement before he hung up the phone.

"What did he say!?" Aaron spoke placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Aaron i have to go, he's got marshall!" I didn't even realize i was crying until aaron wiped the tears from my eyes.

"iris no you can't go down there by yourself i'll come with i think it's time me and him had a little family reunion don't you think?"

"But aren't you kinda stuck in here?" I gazed at him with saddened eyes.

"Not if you sign me out..they give people 7 hours when they're signed out so as long as you check me back in we're good." Aaron smiled.

I smiled back and gave him a much needed hug.

"What was that for?" Aaron asked while returning the warm hug.

"You might be my uncle but your always gonna be a brother to me." I smiled letting a few more tears escape.

"Thanks iris..now we need to go before something happens to marshall i can't even imagine all the riots that are going to go down with all his stans if the rap god died."

I nodded my head in agreement as me and aaron left little did we know, one of us wasn't coming back that night..

Stop crying your heart out (Eminem love story)Where stories live. Discover now