The ultimate betrayal

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"So what's it going to be marshall?" Ryan voice seemed to linger and echo throughout the stone cold basement room.

"mmphh!" Whitney muffled trying to tell me something i couldn't understand but just the look in her eyes said it all.

"Don't do it daddy."

"What did she say? Oh i think she said kill her." A sneaky smile crept upon his face. In that moment i realized i was dealing with a monster. A cold blooded killer who did God knows what to my iris.

"I didn't sign up for this shit ryan let my baby girl go!" Kim spoke out. 

Suddenly ryan left his gaze on me and slapped the living daylights outta kim. And it wasn't just a it was a slap that you even you could feel.

"Kim!" I watched as she layed sprawled out on the floor.

"Now that we got that tooken care with..what do you say marshall?" Ryan turned back towards me getting a gun from his back pocket and suddenly pointing it at nathan and whitney.

I could see the fear in both of there eyes and i also know they didn't want me to kill iris..but..just what other choice did i have?

"Daddy please don't do this..." Whitney begged.

"I'm really sorry whitney.." I whispered, ryan gave me a crooked smile and unbound my wrist and ankles that were tied to the chair.

"Good choice let's wait for our guest of honor to come...Oh and kim."

Kim slowly got up from the floor and stood up to face him.

"What." Kim spoke kinda bitterly.

"You can dismiss yourself now."

"What?" Kim spoke raising a brow.

Ryan chuckled, "I'm sorry sweetie but did you really think that i would split the hard earned money i've worked so hard to get to you? A white trash street junkie? Sorry my dear."

"So you used her to get to me." I spat looking over at kim who looked shocked and disturbed.

"Oh well it was brilliant wasn't it? You and kim had a two divorced..twice..a lot of jealousy stirred when you wanted iris dead and you miserable..and i gave her that opportunity with a chance to become a billionair..all she had to do was kidnap you. And now marshall i'm offering you that same opportunity..with a twist kill iris and i'll release you and your family members."

I scoffed at his statement. "Why should i believe you? You already played kim what makes me think you won't do the same for me?"

"Well if you don't believe me maybe i should just get rid of them now." Ryan spoke lifting his gun and aiming it towards nathan.

"No!" kim and i both screamed.

Ryan lowered his gun and turned back towards me.

"Well then i guess we have an understanding now both of you wait here i have to go pick up rachel, Kim make sure everything goes according to plan..and i'll be taking them." Ryan untied the restraints on nathan and whitney and took them out the room leaving only me and kim.

"Kim, what the hell were you thinking!" I shoved her back against the wall.

"I was thinking i could get revenge and money but that sh*t didn't f"ing happen!" Kim spat pushing me away from her.

"do you have the slightest clue on what you got us in!? Nathan and whitney have been f'ing kidnapped and we can't see them unless we kill my wife!" I screamed trying to make some common sense flow in that head of hers.

"Good! She deserves to die! Do you have any idea what i've been through? That bxtch took everything from me! my kids, my house, my money you! Did you honestly think i would be okay with you remarrying?" Kim yelled backing me against the wall.

"Maybe you shoulda thought about what when you were busy screwing guerra." 

"You know what, arguing with you is pointless! it's like talking to a fricking wall! Look if you want our kids an you brother to be safe i suggest you take her out. I've known ryan for quite a while now and when he says he wants somebody dead. He wants somebody dead." With that kim exited the room going God knows where. leaving me with the gun that i had to take out my wife with.

"God how did this sh*t get so f'd up so damn fast?"


Iris p.o.v

Me and aaron finally made it to ryans hideout and we didn't have the slightest clue on what to expect when we got there but all i did know was marshall was in some serious danger because i was to dumb and scared to tell him just what happened to me 25 years ago. Great now i'm paying for it. With my family..

"Iris." Aaron spoke as we got out the car.


"Here." Aaron handed me a gun.

"Aaron! Where the heck did you get this from!?" I gasped.

"I had it hidden in the asylum the whole time one of my friends brought it to me in case ryan or anyone else came to pay me a visit. Trust me it was not easy keeping that gun hidden..but i figured we might need it so i took it with us." Aaron gave a half smile and handed the gun to me.

"Aaron i'm really scared..i mean what if somethings happenened to him? I am going to be completely crushed i've said some things that i really really regret." I could feel myself tear up.

"Iris now is not the time to start crying first we need to find out if there's something to cry over. cmon." Aaron spoke as we walked to the front door of my old house.

Alright here goes nothing...


Rachels p.o.v

"For the love of God why isn't anyone answering their phone?" I sighed throwing my phone on the couch. Everyones acting crazy now a days. I mean i know me getting married and be pregnant could definitely be a shock but that doesn't give them the right to hate ryan. I mean he seems really nice plus he's the only person who actually took the time to see the real me.


The door bell? I wasn't expecting anyone over tonight. i slowly made my way off the couch ignoring my forming belly bump craving for mashed potaoes and skittles.

I opened the door only to come face to face with.


"If you wanna live you better come with me."


:O What!? Kims helping!

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