Stop crying your heart out part 5 (The end game part 2)

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"Aaron." My voice shattered.

" was brilliant wasn't it?" Aaron spoke making his way down the steps to admire how well his plot worked.

"Okay now i'm really confused..." Jaron spoke.

"Iris pretty much had it all right. She just didn't include me."

"Didn't you die?" Marshall bluntly asked taking the gun away from my head and aiming towards aaron.

"Nope but i gotta admit for an old lady that woman sure knows how to shoot." Aaron spoke clutching his shoulder.

"Would-s-somebody pl-please explain what is going on!?" Auntie miranda spoke still in a great amount of pain from when ryan shot her in both her hands.

"It's actually really simple grandma bonnie killed her husband lance to get the money in the will. But before she killed him he switch the money  over towards iris and her mom and her half sister jessie even though that wasn't implied in the will jessie still had some rights towards the money. Anyway the police came before my brothers ryan and joseph could kill iris. So like iris said bonnie had to wait for ryan to get outta jail. But before that happened bonnie just so happened had me sent to an asylum for ptsd which was like an absolute prison! Nobody visited me nobody called me and nobody even thought to include me in on all this i included see iris i met rachel at my asylum because she had been abused by her father as a kid and suffered from stress and anxiety. I told her all about you iris. And when she found out you knew and were friends to none other eminem she told me her mom worked in the same industy as him and she would go and befriend you and him and gain your trust. Eventually she met ryan and i told her to flirt as much as she could with him. And sure enough ryan fell in love with her an got her pregnant..rachel knew all along about the will and i made her go to bonnie and retrieve it then she sent it to your address and we all are." aaron spoke.

"So you never were my friend rachel." I eyed rachel still holding the gun.

"Nope..but i'm a pretty good actress aren't i?"

"Wait so that's who you were texting on the were texting aaron." kim spoke sounding disgusted.

"Yup..ya know i thought this would be a whole lot more dfficult..but it was really easy."

"So what happens now." Marshall spoke coldly towards rachel.

"Easy.we kill all of you an get billions of dollars but first we need a signature from you iris saying you'll give me and aaron here all the money."

"No way in hell." I spat.

"okay well i guess we'll do this the hard way.." Rachel spoke aiming the gun directly towards my head.

"No!" Kim kicked the gun out rachels hand and tackled her to the floor. 

I quickly got out the chair and i remembered i still had the gun aaron was so stupid to give me. "Jaron! Grab your mom whitney and nathan and go upstairs!" I yelled pointing the gun towards aaron.

"But iris-"

"You should listen to your aunt kid." Aaron spoke venomously.

Jaron nodded and picked up his mom while nathan and whitney followed him up the stairs.

"Well now it's just you an me." Aaron spoke.

"And me." Marshall spoke also pointing the gun towards aaron.

"Isn't that cute? You two finally are working together as a you can die as a couple!" Aaron yelled sending off a few shots that luckily me and marshall both seemed to dodge.

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