Secret meetings and dangerous memories

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I can't really explain what was going on in my mind but before i knew it i was back in michigan going to the only spot where ryan could possibly be. My old abandoned house that's been vacant for years. I took a deep breath and pulled up in the drive way really not knowing what to expect but bracing myself and preparing myself for a fight. There was no way in the world i was going to go down without a fight. I hope ryan knows that.

I stepped out the car checking my pocket for the pocket knife i put in there earlier before i left my grandmothers house.

I slowly made my way to the backyard and saw him standing there right on cue. Has he really been here the last 2 days waiting for me? I mean how did he know i would even show up? I guess he took that chance.

"Ryan." My voice came out a lot stronger then i expected it to.

The man turned around and nostalgia struck me like a bucket of ice water.

All the painful memories came rushing back to my head. My mothers death that occured 3 days after my bestfriends, the shovel, my brother, the blood, the hands, the lips the..

"Iris." Him saying my name made me sick to my stomach. "My have you grown..i remember when you were just a little girl.."

"Your the one marrying my bestfriend right?" I blurted out. That probably wasn't a good idea.

A sneaky smile crept it's way through his aged face. "Your the one married to eminem right?" He retorted the sarcasm pratically dripping off his lips.

"Not for long.." I replied hurt.

"Oh so yall two ain't working out? What a shame and to think i was going to pay him a visit tonight." Ryan said halfway amused.

"DON'T YOU DARE." I replied shocked scared and strong.

"Oh so you still care about him?" Ryan raised a brow.

"Duh! So stay away from him and rachel!"

Ryan laughed. "I'm afraid i can't do that. you see i actually care about rachel. you see the whole reason i threatened you to come here was for i could tell you not to say anything to rachel."

"Your a accomplice to my family and friends murder! Of course i'm saying something!" I yelled my fury starting to kick in.

Ryan took a step towards me his eyes turning colder then they already was.

"Iris i want you to listen, and i want you to listen real good." "If you even think about ruining my plans lets just say you'll be planning alot more funerals." Ryan smirked shoving past me to exit the backyard.

I suddenly decided to keep up my brave fury and replied back. "What plans?"

Ryan stopped walking but never turned around. "Soon i'm going to be inheriting alot of money and if you or your brother even think about interupting i will personally bury you and him next to your whore of a mother." With that he exited the backyard leaving me to ponder over what he just said.

Money? What kind of money could he possibly be talking about? And how would me and my brother aaron be able to interfere?

I mean i haven't seen aaron since..well that day my friend was murdered. Right after ryan and my dad finished covering up their awful murder the police came and arrested the both of them on spot. I thankfully was unharmed and stable. But my brother wasn't so lucky. He suffered PTSD and began having nightmares and hearing voices. So my grandmother thought it was best to put him in a special rehab facility that deals with PTSD far as i know he's living there. I never really visited him to much just because i didn't wanna bring up any painful memories..but now ryans back. And i have a feeling that aaron might just know more then i do about the whole thing. Now the question was what exactly happened 25 years ago between ryan my mom and dad that would make the both of them kill her? And what did poor jessie have to do with all this?


Marshalls P.O.V

I've been driving around for 9 fricking hours and 45 minutes thinking about all the sh*t iris has put me through. She's shutting me out and even told me to give her the divorce papers is she really that f'ing crazy?


Iris was a lot of things but crazy definitely wasn't one of them, she's hiding something. And i sure as hell am going to find out what it is. I hit my brakes made a U-turn and began driving to the only one who might know exactly what's going on with iris.



I finally made it to rachels house and the guards buzzed me through. I hopped out my car and made my way to the front porch and rang the door bell.

*Door Opens*

"Marshall?" Rachel looked angry to see me. Which i knew couldn't be good. Atleast not for me.

"Rachel what the hells going on with iris?" I spoke bitterly while barging in not waiting for a invitation.

Rachel closed the door behind her and gave me the most disgusted evil glare she could possibly muster. "Like you don't know! Marshall how come your drinking!?" Rachel yelled.

Oh great she knew about it too?

"Rachel i don't have time for this! Why is iris tripping all of a sudden?"

"Probably because of your no good lying cheating ass!" Rachel spat.

"Cheating!? She said i'm cheating??"

"No but i assume you probably had some guilt to relieve so that's why you started drinking?" Rachel spoke looking a little less angry and a lot more confused.

"No. I started drinking because iris has been shutting me out like i'm f'ing nobody! She's been having nightmares and waking up screaming somebodies name."

"Really? Now that you think about it..iris did seem kinda jumpy at my party..she pratically freaked out when i said i was pregnant and getting married..." Rachel spoke in deep thought.

"YOUR WHAT!?" I'm pretty sure everyone in a mile heard that but what the hell??

"Oh! Iris didn't tell you? Yeah! I'm pregnant marshall!" Rachel smiled patting her little stomach.

"To who!?" This is not like Rachel. Rachel is a major planner and organized women no way in the world she would get pregnant and engaged without us even meeting the man and giving our opinion. Rachel was like a sister to me and she knows good and well i would kill any man who hurt my sis.

"His name is ryan pierce we met a starbucks-"

Ryan pierce? Ryan pierce...wait a minute...isn't that the guy iris has been yelling in her sleep??

"Rachel i gotta go." I grabbed my keys i set on the table and began towards the door.

"Okay what the heck? Your the 2nd person to run out after i told them i'm marrying ryan pierce what is going on!?" Rachel yelled obviously frustrated.

"I don't know rach but believe me i'm getting ready to find out."


Hey guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter! So marshall is starting to suspect something..Rachel is well clueless..and what money is ryan actually talking about that he' so worried about losing? Find out next time! <3




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