Birthday parties and guilt

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I continued sitting in the bed until i was sure i heard marshalls car pull  out of the drive way. I knew our marriage was not going well it hasn't been for months but i never thought he wouldn't even respond back to my loving words. Guess i was wrong. But instead of it hurting me it only made me curious if he knew what was going on behind closed doors. 

I sighed getting up  heading for the closet looking through to find a  sexy attire to wear to my best friend Rachels birthday party. Tonight was her 33rd birthday and she was having it somewhere very high class, The Lexington hotel was rated 5 out of 5 they had the top everything, the top cooks,the top dancers, top silverware, you name it they had it. Rachel has been boasting about having her party here the last 4 months.

Me and everyone she knows was invited including Dre, T.I, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, 50 cent, Wiz Khalifa, Nicki Minaj, and everyone else you can think of all the way up to Nickelback and The Fray. You see Rachel was A media expert. She knew how to do everything work cameras, Dj, Music remixes, Technical Difficulties and in one rare occasion wardrobe malfunction. So that's how she knows so many famous celebrities they all know and love her. And it doesn't help that she's absolutely gorgeous. Rachel has brown  indian hair a beautiful tanned skin tone and eyes that shine a mile a minute. Her dad was indian and her mom mixed with white and black. Her mother was the one with the beautiful eyes Rachel must've inherited that from her.

I met rachels mom 4 years ago when me and marshall was in the studio him recording his hit single Love The Way You Lie, with rihanna. Rachels mom is also A song writer so me and her basically chilled and helped each other come up with A chorus to A song em wanted to make with Royce da 5'9 and Liz Rodriguez.

While we were coming up with lyrics Rachel came into the room handing Rihanna a new mic because hers fizzled out. Rachels mom introduced us and turns out we had a lot in common we both loved shopping and we both had dark secrets no one is to know about.

So here we are still in our hidden lives and secrets. But it's okay I'll get through it. I believe it's best to keep your emotions to yourself. If not you'll only cause more problems and unecessary heart break. So that's why I put my sexy split at the bottom satin dress on along with my white high heeled shoes, did my hair up in a curly  classy bun, stripped off my silent tears, added my peach lip balm and peach eyeshadow and walked out the door like i had just won the lottory.

Nothing was going to bring me down today. Not marshall,not work,not anything this is my day to chill with my best friend. I made my way downstairs out the door to my cream cadillac marshall bought me for my birthday two years ago, started it up up and headed to Shady Records to get my husband. If he thought he was getting out of this party he had another thing coming.

Suddenly my phone started to ring throughout my car since I had my phone hooked into the charging spot. I looked at who was calling and immediately sighed. I hesitantly  answered the phone. "Hey Iris!" My annoying other best friend called. " Hey sammy you going to rachels party?" "Duh! Isn't everyone?" "Good point." i smiled. "So where's marshall?" Of course she asks the question I don't want her to ask.

"He's at Shady Records recording some song, I'm actually on my way there now to come pick him up." "Didn't he drive to shady records? What about his car?" "We'll pick it up later" "Oh cool, so how have you two-" "Hey we're supposed to wear formal attire right?" I asked her trying to change the topic. "Uhh yeah i'm wearing my purple v-neck dress what about you?"

"Oh i'm wearing my satin split dress." "Oh the creamed colored one?" "You know it." i spoke with a little bit of enthusiasm. "Cool well can't wait to see you at the party later!" "Yeah.. later." i hung up and finally pulled into Shady records. The guard at the door instantly let me in when he saw who i was, and i made my way down the hall where i could hear a awesome beat going down. I followed the noise til i reached ems recording studio where Em, Dre, 50 cent, and T.I were all sitting down drinking what looked like vodka..?!

I rudely barged in absolutely furious at what i was seeing. "What the hell is going on in here!?" I yelled over the music. "Oh shii- hey iris!" T.I spoke nearly dropping his drink. Everyone else remained silent with wide eyes. "Iris what the hell are you doing here?" Marshall got up placing his drink on the table. "I came to pick you up for Rachels birthday party but it looks like your having one of your own!" I yelled back. I cannot believe this, we're supposed to be going to our good friends b day party and their all sitting back here getting drunk! "I'm not going." "Uh yes you are!" "Says who?" Marshall bit back taking a step towards me his eye brows furrowing together in an angry dazed expression. "Says me! Now get yall asses up and let's go." everyone started getting up until marshall decided to speak."No, everyone sit the fck back down." Everyone sat back down not having the slightest clue on what was going on or what to do.

"Look, we have stuff to do here tell rachel were sorry we couldn't make it." "I'm not doing that! Why are you acting like this??" "Acting like what?" Marshall came even closer our noses inches apart the tone in his voice screaming of anger and what was that..betrayal? "You know what..fine stay i'm leaving." I ran out the security guard gave me a what happened look but i honestly didn't feel like answering so i just continued to run past him all the way to my car driving slowly to rachels party. Wondering if he knew..


Picture of rachel to the left. So do you think marshall knows she's hiding something? What exactly is iris hiding? Find out soon as i update! Reviews appreciated!

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