Family reunions..

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"Mrs. Mathers." I stood up at the sound of my name and approached the nurse waiting for me at the door with a clipboard.

"Yes miss that's me." Not for mind whispered.

"Your brother is waiting for you in the family visitors room, you have 30 minutes." The nurse guided me to the family visiting area but not before giving me a warning.

"Aaron still is not quite all there and i don't know how seeing you will effect him after all these years so try to be careful if you will." The nurse gave me a halfhearted smile and i nodded. With that she left the room and i turned around to face my brother who i haven't seen in 25 years.

For a moment all i could do is stare. This man was actually my brother?  His eyes were a paled brown he wore his hair that was once black now turning kind of grey down. He had bags underneath his eyes and looked everybit of a emotional victim.

"Aaron?" I spoke kind of raspy.

He barely blinked an eye at my presence.

Instead he just sat on the couch staring blankly into space.

"Aaron it's me your sis." i spoke trying to get some kind of reaction out of him. Which was proving to be more then difficult.



And more silence.

I decided to sit down next to him.

But before i could sit a voice startled me.

"Why are you here?" The emotionless voice who i realized was coming from my brother spoke.

I was shocked he actually replied. "I-I wanted to see you and i also needed to ask you something important."

Aaron finally stopped staring into space and turned towards me. Implying me for me to continue.

"Aaron i know this might be difficult but..i really need to know what happened 25 years ago. Aaron, Ryans out of jail." I spoke.

Aarons eyes widened shock,hurt and anger filling them. "What.."

"Yeah aaron he's out..and i spoke to him." I replied back kind of ashamed that i did something crazy like that i mean i could've been killed..but if i didn't..what would've happened to rachel and marshall?

"You what?" Aaron brows raised.

"I know it was very very idiotic what i did but i had no choice..anyway while we were talking he mentioned some kind of money? Do you remember at all what this money thing is about?"

"Iris. You need to stay away from this." aaron spoke in a no joking kind of tone and i could tell by the look he was giving me he was serious.

"Aaron i can't do that! This ordeal from 25 years is still affecting my family aaron! I need to know what happened.." I spoke eeriely frustrated.

"Iris if i tell you i can't gurantee you'll like what you hear..but it's the truth."

I nodded my head and braced myself for whatever he was about to tell me.

"Iris, i'm not your brother..i'm your uncle and well..ryan and your dad are my brothers."

Okay i expected a lot of things but that was definitely not it.. o_o

"Hold the fricking phone! Ryans my uncle!?" I pratically screamed.

"it gets a whole lot worse."


"Your mom had an affair with ryan, your dad found out and killed her and well ryan helped."

"Wait so they killed my mom because she cheated?"

"No, i overheard your dad and ryan talking while i was supposingly unconscious and they were talking about how much money they were going to receive now that she's dead. They also said they'd be Billionairs if they killed you too. But i guess the police showed up and captured them before they actually had the chance to get rid of you." Aaron spoke venom seeping off his chapped lips.

"Wait what?? Billionairs? I don't understand i'm not a billionair sure i'm married to eminem and i have a pretty good job as well but we're not even  close to being billionairs." Okay now i was totally confused just what was this whole thing? Betrayal or a hit to take me and my mother out? For what? Money? Money i don't even know exist!?

"Actually iris you are a billionair didn't you ever get your grandfathers will?" My grandfathers will? I didn't even know i had a grandfather!? Just what in the world was going on!?


Marshalls P.O.V

I drove back to my house/mansion whatever you wanna call it. And went straight to the mailbox. I know why are you checking the mail at a time like this? Well something told me to go and open it. And it was a letter addressed to Iris. I quickly tore the letter open and read it's content.

"To my wonderfull grandaughter iris,

i know i cannot mail this letter to you inperson but i am trusting your mother will give it to you when you are of age. You may not have known your grandfather long but i still love you and consider you the most precious thing in my life. You and your mother are beautiful and i hope you remain that way inside and out. And because of your inner beauty i am leaving all my life savings to you and your mother. i do not have much time left to write this to you. But your mother gets 1.2billion dollars and You my dear gets 3.6 billion dollars. I wish i could leave you more then money to show my love for you both but this is all i have to offer be safe my darlings you never know who's waiting to stab you in the back."

                                                                                                            Love, your grandfather Lance.

"What the hell..?" 

Before i could even react fully to the letter something cold and metal was pressed to my head.

"If you want to live i suggest you don't move." The voice spoke deeply.



Oh God what's going to happen to marshall!? How come iris never got her money left from her deceased grandfather?? Ryans her uncle!? More importantly just how exactly did iris grandfather die..?

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