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Okay for some reason i went totally crazy and put the Sherry's name as Iris and i didn't realize it til i went back looking through some chapters and i wanna apologize if i made anyone confused! So Sherry and Iris are the same person her name is going to be IRIS from now on NO MORE SHERRY okay? i wanna apologize i know you guys were probably like who the heck is iris?? i guess i got that name stuck in my head and i typed that instead of sherry and i wanna aplogize because i really feel bad about that. Anyway her name is now IRIS NOT SHERRY but sherry and iris are indeed the same person :3 that's all i wanna say. hope you continue to read bye! btw i fixed all the sherry name parts in the first 3 chapters so if you are new to this story and reading this you won't understand what i am talking about.

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