Betrayal or love?

610 19 5

Marshalls p.o.v

I found myself awake in what seemed to be somebodies basement it was cold dark and smelled of stale wine. 

"Just what in the world is going on?" i whispered silently to myself.

I tried to get up only to find out i was currently tied to a chair and well what do you know..

I'm gagged.

"Well, well, well..marshall you've finally awoke." A female voice spoke hidden in the corner of the shadows.

"Mmmphhhh" i tried to ask just who the hell she was but of course it didn't come out right.

"What was that sweetheart? I couldn't hear you over all the money i'm about to get." The voice finally stepped out the shadows and i almost had a heart attack when i found out just who was behind all of this. 


"Oh marshall, are you really that suprised to see me?" Before i knew it kim had ripped the gag off my mouth and i was finally free to speak.

"Kim, what hell is going on!?" I yelled venom easing out my lips. I saw her flinch, good it was supposed to sting.

"Do you really wanna know?"

i gave her one of my cut the sh!t looks.

"Alright well, i guess you have already been aquaintaned with ryan." Ryan suddenly stepped out of the shadows as well. Damn where the hell did he come from? Had he been there the whole time?

"Yeah i've heard iris mention you in her nightmares..just who the hell are you and why have you kidnapped me!?"

Ryan smirked wrapping his arms around kims waist.

Wait were they a couple?

"Let's just say me and your wife have some personal issues we need to work out..starting with that letter you read." ryans voice was cold and icy which didn't really suit the way he looked.

"The letter...Oh! The letter! Yeah what the hell was that sh!t about?" I asked genuinley confused at what was really going on.

"Don't play stupid marshall it doesn't go with that cute face of yours." Kim spoke smugly.

"I'm not playing kim!"

Kim gave off a nonchalant look.

"The billions marshall you know the will your wife received from her late grandfather." Ryan spoke inching towards me.

"Yeah what about it?"

"We're using you as bait your wife is already half way here and when she gets here we're gonna pry some information outta her." Kim spoke looking more devious then usual.

"Kim how do you even know him?" i gave her a glare.

Kim smiled,"I met him at a bar and he told me that you were married to a billionair named iris and that we were gonna come up with a plan to take it from her."

Ryan decided to chime in,"Yeah with a little help from my employer."


"Yes my employer, they said all i had to do to get the billions is well kill iris which ever so happens to be my ex niece and her mother katy i already got katy now all that's left is iris."

"You son of a bxtch." i whispered.

A chuckle escaped his lips, "Kim you can finish up here i've gotta go pay my lovely rachel a visit."

My eyes widened. "So your the one who knocked up my sis! Don't you fuc*ing dare touch her." i bit back.

"I really don't think your in any position to be giving orders but i admire your persistance...i'll make you a deal." Ryan spoke stooping down so we were at eye level.

"Get rid of iris and i'll let you live."

Was he fricking serious?

"I'm not killing my wife." I spoke in a harsh tone.

"Well how about i make you another deal then? Kill iris and you'll get to see your daughter and brother a live."


Soon the entire room lit up and there tied up and gagged were nathan and whitney.

whitneys eyes widened when she saw me and i could see tears just streaming down my poor babies face.

I looked over to kim who looked equally shocked,i'm guessing he forgot to fill her in on this part of the plot.

"So marshall..what's it going to be?"


Iris P.O.V

10 minutes marshall that's all i need just 10 minutes you can hang on that long can't you?

"Iris you just got a message from your aunt miranda she said jarons missing!" Aaron spoke holding on to my phone while i drove.

"What!? They got jaron?" I spoke sadness and concern filling my voice.

"What are we gonna do when we find ryan? I mean what's the plan?" Aaron spoke looking almost as worried as me.

"I don't have a plan!"

Aaron sighed as i continued to go 99mph on a 78mph street i just hoped and prayed no police were around.


Hey guys! Oh God marshall just got put in like the worse position ever! Is he gonna do it? Who is ryans employer? Were you guys suprised to see kim? Yeah well i figured throwing kim into this would tie up a few things so with that being said Kim Scott if you are reading this i don't mean any offense to this at all i'm sure your a very nice person who loved her kids and husband. :) Oh and comment!

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