Stop crying you heart out part 1

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"Grandma!" I cried trying to recover from finding out my grandmother is the one behind all of this.

"Iris.. you realize how hard it is to kill you? I mean i think i've just about tried every trick in my book but that idiot ryan and your father just had to screw things up didn't they? Well..i guess i can't complain they did get rid of my daughter but that's not much of an acomplishment without you dead as well.." I watched my grandmother sigh as she pointed the gun towards me and marshall.

"Grandma i don't understand! Why?" I spoke tears mixed with bitterness continued to flow.

"Why? Hm i think your husband can explain everything isn't that right marshall?" My grandmother turned towards marshall who gave her the most menacing glare  i've ever seen come from him.

"Oh i understand everything, Iris your grandfather left you and your mother billions and billions of dollars and didn't give your sweet old grandmother jack. I'm guessing that your grandmother was the one who killed your grandfather to automatically inherit all the money but your husband changed his will at the last moment knowing you were going to kill him isn't that right?" Marshall eyed my grandmother.

"Exactly, and i hired your dad and ryan to do the dirty work. But there is one thing that hasn't yet been spoke of and that my dear is your friend  jessie. You see there was a reason jessie was there and that reason is because she was your half sister. Your mother got pregnant with her almost right after she had you. And since that was just another heir that got in the way of my money i figured i'd just kill her to." My grandmother smirked still wielding the revolver.

"You crazy ass slut." Marshall spat.

"Says the one who was gonna kill his wife a few moments ago."

"What?" Iris spoke turning her tear stained face towards me.

"Iris baby..."

"shutup you two will have all the time in the world to talk once i show you guys you lovely new rooms." My grandmother spoke urging us to follow her.

We both reluctantly obeyed as we were lead to the top attic of the house. It was cold dusty and had only a small window on the side to light it up which didn't work considering it's still dark outside.

"Hope you enjoy your stay don't worry i'll be back." My grandmother spoke after she was done typing us up together.

Could this get any worse?


Rachels P.o.v

"Wait a minute so you telling me ryan is really iris's uncle who is trying to kill her for billions of dollars?" I spoke in complete disbelief and fear flooding through my veins.

"Yes." Kim spoke bluntly.

"Well what are we gonna do we have to help them!" I cried really worried about my two best friends sake.

Kim sighed as she gripped the steering wheel even harder. "Well i know someone who just might be able to help us well atleast supply us with some weapons."

"Really who!?"

"Marshall mother."

"Debbie?" I spoke in shock for like the 12th time this night.

"Yeah, well debbie isn't as innocent and drugged out as she seems. That women is definitely prepared if someone tried to rob her or kill or even rape her don't let her age fool ya." Kim spoke calmly currently breaking the speed limit to reach 8 mile.

"God this is sooo messed up." I sighed.

"Your telling me, i have to save my ex husband  my ex brother in law and my daughter and marshalls wife from a psychopath God why did i ever agree to help ryan." Kim spoke regret filling her calm demeanor.

"Hey kim, we may not like each other but we're both in the same boat. Ryan screwed both of us an i want just as much payback as you do." Kim smiled and continued to press on the gas.

Something told me this was just the beginning of a very long night.


Ryans p.o.v 

I knocked on rachels door for like 20th time now and still no answer.

Where the hell is she?


I quickly picked up the phone that lied in my pocket.


"'s been a while hasn't it?" An all to familiar voice spoke.

'No way, your supposed to be in jail how are you calling me!?"

"Looks like i'm getting out due to my good behavior." My brother spoke smugly throughout the phone.

" had life! There's no way they-"

"Shutup and pick me up from this hellhole we've got some work to do."


Oh My God iris father is out of prison!? :O Guys we're getting towards the end of this story! Give me any suggestions or let me know if you want a sequel!

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