This cannot be happening..

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"Your what?" I tried to keep calm which was really hard to do at this point i mean for crying out loud my best friend could be having an accomplice to murders baby!

"Pregnant, yeah that's really what i wanted to tell you i wanted you to be the first to know." Rachel smiled.

"Wait so your mom doesn't know?"

"No and i will like to keep it that way atleast until after tonight." Rachel gave me the eyes of please don't tell my mom.

"Okay fine i won't tell but rachel please be careful with this man." I warned again.

"I will iris i will..hey where's marshall?" Rachel spoke back curiously.

Oh great she just had to bring him up.

"Oh uhh well i don't think he's coming we kinda sorta had a fight." I spoke sadness beginning to cloud up my already worried voice.

"What! What did that azzhole do now?" Rachel eyes turned angry. You see rachel and marshall have always had a rocky sorta relationship but they still cared for one another like brother and sister.

"He was at the studio getting drunk."

"What!" Rachel voice raised even higher if that's possible.

"Yeah rachel..things..things have just not been going well between us lately." I wanted to cry but knew i couldn't spoil rachels birthday.

"Are you guys..ya know..going to get a divorce?" Rachel voice turned into a saddened whisper. I knew she felt sorry for me. I felt sorry for me to.

"I honestly don't know i just...i just.." I could feel the tears threatening to spill from eyes.

"Oh sweetie come here." Rachel pulled me tightly in a hug and i just completely broke down.

"Sshh shh iris it's gonna be okay." Rachel whispered rocking me back and forth in her strong but gentle embrace.

"Rachel.. i i..d- don't k-know what i'm gonna dooo." i whined and sobbed all at the same time.

"Ssh it's gonna be okay marshall loves you to death he's not going to leave you and if he does i'll take care of him for you." Rachel spoke confidently.

"I-I just love him so much and i don't wanna hurt him anymore."

"Iris like i said marshall adores you he won't leave."

I pulled away from rachel and walked over towards the mirror only to reveal my masscara had completely ran. I looked like a clown.

"Rachel i'm so sorry i am ruining your night." i grabbed a towel and began to wipe the masscara off my face.

"No hun i'm glad to be here for you and i know you'd do the same for me right?"

"Of course rachel." I finally got the last smudge of masscara off my face and me and rachel headed back downstairs to the party.

"Hey rachel how about you go back to ryan i'll just order a drink from the bar i'll be fine." I smiled to reasure my statement but she didn't seem to buy it.

"Are you sure iris?" Rachel reluctantly spoke.

"yes of course this is your party have fun!" I spoke pushing her towards the crowd.

"Alright i'll see you later!"

"See you!"

I watched as rachel dissapeared into the crowd and then as i promised made my way to the bar.

"What can i get you Miss..?" the bartender spoke kinda lazily.

"Umm i'll have a watermelon martini on the rocks please." the bartender nodded and went off to fetch my drink.

While i waited i looked at the tons of people dancing to ushers song more while trying to keep there balance. It was hilarious watching miley cyrus try to twerk on ludacris.

"Can i get some mt dew." A man spoke sitting down next to me.

"Mt dew coming up, here's your martini miss." The bartender spoke handing me my watermelon martini.

"Thank you." i smiled while taking a sip letting the alcohol burn my throat a little.

The man next to me immediately gave a chuckle.

"What are you doing here i thought you weren't coming?" i spoke avoiding his gaze.

"Well dre told me to come in so many words." Marshall spoke finally receiving his drink from the bartender. "Thanks man."

The bartender nodded and went on taking other peoples orders.

"What no vodka?" I questioned.

Marshall smile faded and his eyes turned cold when that happened i always got a chill go down my spine.

"It was just a drink iris calm the hell down." marshall spoke bitterly.

I rolled my eyes finished my martini and quickly got up away from him but of course he just had to follow.

"What so you're just gonna walk away from me?" He yelled through the drunken ectasy filled crowd.

"Yup!" I began to walk faster till i finally reached the hotel lobby which was completely empty.

Marshall stormed out behind me grabbing me by my shoulders and spinning me around to meet his pale angry face. "Let go of me marshall!" I pushed myself away from him sending myself backwards onto the floor. I gazed up at him and to my suprise he helped me get back up.

"You alright?" His voice softened.

I shook my head no and quickly got out of his grasp turning myself away from him. Just looking at him made me feel sick.

"Marshall i don't know what's happening to us but.."

"Iris if you'd just tell me what's going on!" His voice raised and i flinched.

"THERE'S NOTHING TO TELL!" i yelled back turning back around to him.

Marshall sighed, "Where do we go from here?"

"I don't know..but i think we need to split up for a while, while i figure things out." I felt some tears slide down my face and i quickly wiped it away.

"Iris." Marshall eyes widened.

"I'm sorry i need to go." I took off out the door ignoring whatever marshall was saying behind me. And i didn't stop until i reached my car put the keys in ignition and drove off down the street.

I really wish i didn't have to do that but that was the only thing i could think of to make the hurting stop. If there's no love there's no more pain? 

I turned on the radio and miley cyrus  just happened to be playing when i look at you. I listened to the words til i could no longer stand it and turned off the radio driving in nothing but silence and utter regret.


Hey guys hoped you liked the chapter who feels really bad for iris? and just who is that guy rachels with? Could it really be ryan from iris troubled past? If that's the case what's going to happen to rachel...or iris? And more importantly what's marshall going to do about all this? find out in the next chapter!

Stop crying your heart out (Eminem love story)Where stories live. Discover now