Stop crying your heart out part 4 (The end game part 1)

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Ryans p.o.v

"Okay we're here." I spoke 

"Good let's go." Joseph spoke taking out a gun.

"Wait where did you get that!?" I spoke my eyes widening.

"It's not important let's go." And with that he leaped out the car and started making his way inside the house.

God why am i always the one following his orders? I wondered while following him inside the house.


Iris p.o.v

"Do you hear that?" I whispered eyeing marshall.

"Yeah get in position!" Marshall whispered tying my wrist back up in the chair.

It had been 20 minutes since me marshall and jaron had discussed our plan and i just hope and prayed everything went according to plan because if it didn't...

I heard the door to the basement open and i felt marshall quickly place the gun to my temple.

Okay i know he was acting but this was still making me feel very nervous i mean he wouldn't turn on me would he? No. Marshall wouldn't lie to me. I know he wouldn't..

2 pairs of footsteps echoed down the stairs until they stepped into the light and i could finally see their faces.

I instantly wished i hadn't.


The man turned his gaze from marshall to me and his lips curled up in that same devious smirk they had once did 25 years ago.

"Hey sweet heart did you miss your daddy?" The man i know as my father spoke in a calm icy demeanor.

"Dad?" Marshall whispered eyeing me curiously.

"Well it seems like i have to make some introductions. Joseph this is marshall or better known as your son in law." Ryan finally butted in clearing the confusion a little bit.

"Oh so your the one who married my daughter...nice to meet you son." my dad spoke in one of those sarcastic bitter tones.

"Yeah.." Marshall spoke glaring at my dad.

"So i see you've been living up to you expectations marshall." Ryan spoke acknowleding the gun marshall held to my head.

" did you get out!?" I coul feel my voice trembling okay this is going according to plan at all!

"Well for good behavior of course and when i found out my daughter was sill alive and healthy i decided i should pay her a visit." My dad spoke revealing the gun he held.


Kim p.o.v

"Okay we're here..and looks like ryans back too..great." 

"So what's the plan?" Rachel spoke looking at me like i was her mentor in all this chaos.

"Just follow my" I handed her a gun and a knife. "Your gonna need this."

Rachel nodded her head and took a hold of the items.

I grabbed a bullet proof vest and a 45 revolver

"Alright let's go."


"Your a liar you an grandma tried to kill me and you killed my mom you bastard!" I spoke anger suddenly kicking in.

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