Over Protective

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(Y/n) P.O.V

"Well I should really go home now." I say to Laurence and get of the concrete."oh yeah,I probably should too." He says getting up after me. "By the way, how did you get in my house?" He questions as we walk down the road. "I told your dad that I was a friend of yours and he let me in." I answer. I look around to make sure Gigi and Cameron are following me, which they are. "Oh, ok. Do you want to stop by to dry off? I can get my sister to give you spare pajamas." Laurence offers. I look at him weirdly. "I don't know...my mom will probably kill me if she found out I was at a guys house."I respond hesitantly. "I'm pretty sure you'd be questioned a lot more if you came home soaking wet too." He chuckles looking at him than me. "Yeah I guess your right. Fine I'll come but only for a little, half an hour at the latest." I command as we reach his house. "Ok ok, Hayden I'm home!" He yells. Then I see the man who let me in before. "Hello Laurence and...friend?" He says looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "Hi" I squeak. Laurence chuckles. "There was a bit of a incident by the river. Long story short we fell in." Laurence explains to his dad. "Oh I'll be right back!" I say and rush out the door. "Gigi, Cameron go home." I say pointing at our house. And the 2 dogs left. "Back!" I said walking in to see Laurence, his dad and ... cadenza? "Cadenza? What are you doing here?!" I say running up to her. "OMG (Y/n), the real question is what are YOU doing here?!" She exclaims hugging me. "Well uh...um-" I start to say. "There was an incident near the river. We fell in and she's wondering if she could borrow some spare pajamas." Laurence says finishing the sentence. Hayden walks over and hands me a towel. "Thank you." I squeal and wrap the towel around me. "My question is why we're you 2 outside...together...Alone." She says glaring at Laurence then me. "It's not like that, she was mad at me so her dogs pushed me in the river. And I dragged her in." Laurence says glaring back at cadenza. "Hmmmm, ok (Y/n) follow me please!" Cadenza shouts while grabbing my wrists. She drags me to her room which is covered with fashion stuff for miles. She throws me a pair of pajamas and I change in the bathroom in her room. These are the pajamas...

Your pajamas but there's shorts on underneath

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Your pajamas but there's shorts on underneath.
"Wow thanks Cadenza!" I exclaim running out of the bathroom. "(Y/n) they look cute on you, now come on my dad insists on us talking for a while." She says grabbing my hands and dragging me to her living room. "And I present to you the new and improved (Y/n)!" She says waving her hands around. I giggle and say "you don't need to make such a grand opening." Everyone stops. "What?" I question looking at everyone. "N-nothing you just look nice that's all." Laurence says shaking his head. "Thanks? I guess."
I say sitting next to cadenza. "So (Y/n) do you have any hobbies or talents?" Hayden asks sipping his tea. "Well I like to sing. But some one *cough* Laurence *cough* thinks I'm not very good." I growl during that last part. Hayden looks at me then at Laurence. "So that's why you wanted to see him."
He says shaking his head. "Hey, I already explained why I did that!" He kinda yells. I giggle. "So cadenza, think you could teach me how to sew sometime?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "I'd love too!" She squeals. I glance over at the clock which read 8:32. "Oh no I gotta get home. My moms gonna kill me!" I panicked. "Hey, calm down. Do you want me to walk you home?" Laurence asks looking straight at me. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! If my mom found out I was out this late with a guy. She'd have both our heads!" I yell. "Well it's not safe at this time of night so too bad."
Laurence demands standing up. "Ok it's our funeral." I give in. We walked literally 2 blocks and we were at my house. "Well thanks I guess, just don't do that again." I say turning to Laurence. "Oh yeah I won't. Promise." He replies looking at his feet. I giggle "good night Laurence." And before I walked in my house I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "G-good night (Y/n)!" He stutters before running off. "That idiot-" "and WHERE on earth have YOU been?!" My mother says from behind me. "Uh-uh n-no where?" I mumble. "You were with a boy weren't you?!" She yells. I see shadow walk by and I mouth 'help me' she looks at me then at the angry mom and runs away. "Mom it's not like that I promise you. But I want to go to bed please, I'm tired." I plead. "Fine but this isn't over!" She exclaims before walking away.

~Time Skip~

My alarm goes off twice more before I finally get out of bed and ready for Day 2 of school. I shower,get dressed,eat,brush my hair and teeth, then me and shadow walk to school with another awkwardly quiet conversation. Once we get there shadow goes with her friends and I go with mine. "Hi guys!" I exclaim as I stroll over to them. "Hey (Y/n) what's up!" Aph says. "Mmm nothing much, just mom issues."
I grumble. Laurence starts to look a bit worried. "How so, what happened?" Katelyn asks with a small smile on her face. "Uh um n-nothing really. J-just an average mom I-issue." I stuttered. "Hmmmmm, what really happened?" Dante says coming closer. "Nothing really!" I squeal. "Hey (Y/n) last night was fun don't you think!?" Cadenza says running over to the group. I face palm. "What? You went over to cadenza and Laurence's house. No way!" Aph says with excitement. "It's a very, VERY long story." I groan. "How was the walk home with laur-" but before cadenza could finish. I slapped my hand over her mouth. Laurence just stayed silent. "Heh heh nothing happened, heh!" I nervously answer. "Now now what was she gonna say?" Katelyn says moving my hand. "I was going to say how was the walk home with Laurence?" Cadenza repeats herself. Me and Laurence both face palm. "WHAT?!" Everyone screamed. "No, no it's not like that me and (Y/n) are just friends right?" Laurence says turning to me. "Yeah, we promise!" I exclaim really frustrated. "(Y/n) your going to tell me everything later." Katelyn sternly said. "Yes mam!" I squeal. *RING* "that's the bell time for math!" I sarcastically say. "Today is gonna be another long day." I think to myself. *sigh*

Hey hey that's chapter 5 finished surprisingly there was not singing in this. Wow bravo! Any way chapter 6 will come out very very soon. STAY FABULOUS ~💜

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